13 yrs, 8 mths ago

Alerting members to forum replies

I’m not sure if such an application exists but it would be really handy to have an automatic notification/ alert via email( I guess like fb)when BH members get a reply to a post or a mention in the forums.

I tend to lose track where I’ve made a comment or asked a question and so don’t get around to replying in a timely manner if at all…apologies to anyone who is still waiting for a reply from me!

Does anything like this exist and do any beauties feel it would be beneficial?

21 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    There was someone on the otherday flooding the forum with ads for buying tv series packs…. i just always think what low lives! flooding forums wont get u sales.!!

    how annoying! they were obviously desperate for sales hahaha
    and you do have to be careful! they most likely take ur money & run!

    i dont know if its desperation, more jsut their usual scheme is to flood and mass mail spam or leave links ot get theword out. usually new, and cheap sites in asia that have giant warehouses of pirate or knock off items – DVD, shoes, dresses, anything.. and will try to over run the legit stoerse online with their links and pages.
    Ive een a lot of shoe sites of this type spring up in the last 12mths..

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    There was someone on the otherday flooding the forum with ads for buying tv series packs…. i just always think what low lives! flooding forums wont get u sales.!!

    how annoying! they were obviously desperate for sales hahaha
    and you do have to be careful! they most likely take ur money & run!

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    There are some dodgy people around, I’ve received the BECCA fake email and also one which looked like it had been sent by a job agency I used to be signed up with. They were using the name of one of the consultants! I just deleted it but it makes you wonder!

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    There was someone on the otherday flooding the forum with ads for buying tv series packs…. i just always think what low lives! flooding forums wont get u sales.!!

    You would be surprised they might get a few sales out of doing this. other wise the would not waste there time doing it

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    There was someone on the otherday flooding the forum with ads for buying tv series packs…. i just always think what low lives! flooding forums wont get u sales.!!

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    This person has left 10 advertising posts on the forums, if you find any please alert mod.

    Which person has left 10 ads on the forum Mel?

    I haven’t seen them, I’ve seen a Nike one ages ago and alerted to moderator.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    This person has left 10 advertising posts on the forums, if you find any please alert mod.

    Which person has left 10 ads on the forum Mel?

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    ^will do haven’t seen it yet.

    I think its a great Idea, not so much notifications but are any of you on other forums where you can ‘see your own posts’ so you can just check if any one replies. I think thats on those php? forums though.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    This person has left 10 advertising posts on the forums, if you find any please alert mod.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I tried to subscribe myself but for some reason it keeps coming up with an error for me. Hope it works for you…

    Yes, I have a whole mishmash of text too Stensen which is very difficult to read but I thought it was just our operating system…

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