16 yrs, 4 mths ago

2008 ARIAS

Just wondering if anyone watched the ARIAS? I was only half watching but was paying enough attention to notice that Gabriella Cilmi basically took out the majority of the awards =/ I would’ve liked to see Angus and Julia Stone or Clare Bowditch win something. The Audrey’s won an award though so that was good.
Also I was looking at some pics from the red carpet, and I don’t often pay much attention to celebrity fashion and what not, but honestly some of the outfits this year were shockers :S What was Natalie Gauci thinking wearing “This”:http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,6307408,00.jpg
I think she is a gorgeous looking girl, I just don’t understand what made her choose this when there are so many beautiful dresses out there! Or even nice tops and pants.

27 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Oh hamish and andy were hilarious that night. Your right about the gladiator guy though LOL

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Yay! elmo is right. though i quite liked her outfit i didnt think it was tacky, but anyway lol. she was probably way to overwhlemed to make a speech. for gosh sake shes my age id be so overwhlemed if it was me there . i thought hamish and andys sketch with pink was quite funny, though it looked like that guy from gladiators was hurting hamish quite a lot!

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Ok so I don`t even know who natalie gauci is?? That`s a shocking outfit either way!
    I say good on you to gabriella – I think she`s awesome, unique and incredibly talented – and what an achievement – winning 6 arias at the age of 17 – only been out for less than a year too! Good on her.
    I thought her outfit was tacky and her speech wasn`t great – wouldn`t be surprised if she was slightly pissed – god knows I would`ve been, a 17 year old at the arias with free flowing booze all night! Her speech was a bit bogan too – no offence, I`m totally a bit bogan too myself! But hey, seriously, she`s 17. Give her a rest!

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Yep, presets did a gr8 performance, and Pink`s was well choreographed, they all did well. i didn`t even notice natalie Gauci & her outfit (must have been 2 busy eating my choccie!) bummer, sounds like it was interesting.

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Oh =s well i was thinking of something else then

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I know no one even cares about poor natalie, so turning up in that horrid outfit didnt do much for her on existent career! the presets ROCK

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I`m with you Billywig, the Presets performance was OTT AWESOME.

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Pink was good, wasn`t she? And her heels were so high, and she was still just jumping around all over the place :]

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I really cant comprehend why Natalie Gauci would even consider wearing that outfit especially to such a publicised event but I guess each to their own? LOL , I think overall it was a great night though, Pink performed great!

  • 16 yrs, 4 mths ago

    katy perry wasnt there….
    she was hosting an mtv awards in the uk.

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