Dealing with post-pregnancy hair loss? It’s all good

Dealing with post-pregnancy hair loss? It’s all good

So your baby is a few months old, and you’ve finally settled into life with a newborn, but there’s one thing bothering you: your hair. During pregnancy, you may have been thrilled with your thick and lustrous mane, but now, all of a sudden your curls have collapsed and you’re losing locks by the handful.

Breathe, because you’re not going bald. This is often just a temporary phase, and as Advangen scientist Joseph Haklani explains, it’s part of the deal of becoming a new mum.


While it’s natural to be alarmed, postpartum hair loss is nothing to be concerned about. In fact, it’s normal! The average person loses around 100 hairs a day, but during pregnancy, that number is far less due to your increased estrogen levels. This can cause your hair to remain in the growing phase for longer, meaning hair that would usually fall out stays put, resulting in thicker hair. After childbirth, these hormones return back to a normal level.

As Joseph explains, this dip in hormone levels “causes sudden hair loss for many women, known as Telogen Effluvium, which is the triggering of a larger percentage of hair to simultaneously move into the resting phase”. This tends to happen two to four months after delivering your bub. The good news? It’s not all doom and gloom.


While the accelerated hair loss is temporary, your hair should return to the growing phase of its cycle by the six-month mark. But, in the meantime, if facing the world with thinning or patchy hair is too much to handle, there are some solutions that don’t involve hiding under an oversized hat:

  1. Mix up your part: If you normally part your hair in the middle, try parting it on the side, which will disguise thinning hair around your temples and give your locks a lift.
  2. Get a chop: Pay a visit to your salon, and treat yourself to an afternoon of pampering in the chair. A stylist will help you with a fresh cut that’ll create the illusion of more fullness.
  3. Add texture: Sleek, straight hair makes thinning more obvious, so steer clear of the heat tools as much as you can. If you have naturally curly hair, avoid straightening it during this phase, and if your hair is dead straight, try using velcro rollers to create some oomph.
  4. Invest in évolis: While there are no preventative treatments for postpartum hair loss, interventions such as évolis can aid in post-pregnancy hair recovery. The natural ingredients in the évolis ® shampoo for women help to maintain scalp health while a unique catch and release polymer helps to add volume to your hair. évolis ® topical hair loss treatment for women contains active ingredients that have been scientifically and clinically proven to reduce hair loss and increase the number of growing hair follicles which may lead to fuller, thicker, healthier hair. If in doubt, please consult your doctor before using the product.

évolis ® shampoo for women
évolis ® topical hair loss treatment for women

Are you currently suffering from postpartum hair loss? Would you like to try the évolis range?

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