Back on the exercise bandwagon

Back on the exercise bandwagon

I’ve never been a big fan of exercise. I’ll reluctantly do a few stints at the gym after a big weekend, but other than that I prefer to be asleep rather than front and centre at a 6am pump class. Clearly I lack the gym bunny gene (or at least a bit of motivation). So when beautyheaven heard that Yoga Master, Vishwanah Kulkarni, was in town for the Optimal Skincare launch, we mustered up some courage and a cute yoga outfit and went along to see if motivation could come about while morphing ourselves into unnatural poses.

We swanned into the yoga studio at the beginning of the class, expecting a light routine with some meditation at the end (i.e. a chance to sleep). Instead Kulkarni put us through a fairly extensive routine that made me realise just how unfit I’ve become (I’d like to blame a recent bout of glandular fever but the truth is I stopped going to the gym even before that).  

Throughout the class, the Yoga Master made yoga look like a normal everyday activity like breathing or eating. There were times when I swear he was exerting no effort whatsoever, while I huffed and puffed through the routine, straining to touch my freshly pedicured toes. As he put us through some abdominal exercises, claiming they would cleanse and tone the liver, I wondered why on earth I had decided to give exercise another go.

At the end of the class, most of us collapsed in a small heap, looking up only long enough to see the Yoga Master transform himself into a human pretzel. The class watched in amazement as he bent over backwards to touch the floor with hands, while he looked back at us from between his legs. I don’t think I’ve seen a scarier sight since The Exorcist. And if you’ve seen that movie, you know exactly what scene I’m talking about.

Despite the inferiority complex I gained on completion of the class, I also felt invigorated and inspired to go back to the gym after witnessing the Yoga Master’s outstanding flexibility. It seems you can always get back on the bandwagon, but sometimes you just need the help of a Yoga Master.

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