How-to: work out with a partner

How-to: work out with a partner

Doing activities together is a fun and effective way to bond with your partner. So why not bond and get fit at the same time? It’s easy and it’s fun (we promise!) here’s how to get fit with your man…

Medicine ball fun
You’ll need to purchase a medicine ball to do these exercises. A typical medicine ball will set you back around $50 and it’s well worth the investment – great for strength training and versatile enough to incorporate into a variety of exercises, you’ll wonder what you ever did without one.
Floor slams: start by standing holding the ball over your head, keeping your abs tight. Now squat and throw the ball so that it bounces to your partner. Your man should catch the ball and throw it back to you. Repeat for two minutes then swap over. Great for tuckshop lady arms!
Lunge and pass: start standing facing each other, a couple of metres apart.  Lunge forward and throw the ball to your partner, using a chest style pass. Your man should catch the ball while stepping backwards into a reverse lunge position. Get your partner to throw the ball back to you by lunging forward and repeat ten times.

Competitive fun
Try incorporating a little friendly competition into your exercise workouts with a contest! You can even award a prize to the winner…we’ll let you use your imagination to decide what that is…
Push-up contest: for this contest, the stronger partner should perform the push-ups on a declining slope while up on their toes, the other partner can do push-ups from the knees. Start your stopwatch and see who can do the most in sixty seconds.

Partner squats
Face one another and hold onto each others arms. Each of you should squat slowly leaning backwards, keeping your knees pointing forwards. Try to keep your weight equally distributed over both feet and keep feet relatively flat as you lower down. Repeat twenty times.

Do you work out with your partner? If not, would you?

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