11 yrs ago

Missing products?

Hello. I have been using a new body wash and wanted to see if they were on BH so I could review them. I did a search and they had hits and reviews but when I click on the link. It loads the Soap page: http://www.beautyheaven.com.au/your-body/soap-cleansers-washes

Also, if a brand is listed on BH. Why aren’t all their products (or even just other products in their line)?

6 comments 6 voices


  • 10 yrs ago

    Thanks Claire! Yep both reviews I have written are in that section you mentioned! So looks like I did it correctly! 🙂

  • 10 yrs ago

    Sorry I have an unrelated question and I tried to post a new thread but it wouldn’t let me! So I thought I’d ask here… How long does it usually take for a review to be published on this site? I’ve reviewed two products but neither have been published yet and it’s been a few days now. Just wondering if I did actually submit them properly! Thanks 🙂

    Hi Its_Jess, it can take a few days for BH to publish a review and if you submit it over the week end maybe up to four or five days? So don’t worry, I am sure it will be published soon. If you click the My Beautyheaven button, there should be a My Reviews section and your review should be there so it’s not lost… The points for your reviews will show up once it’s been published… Hope this helps 🙂

  • 10 yrs ago

    Sorry I have an unrelated question and I tried to post a new thread but it wouldn’t let me! So I thought I’d ask here… How long does it usually take for a review to be published on this site? I’ve reviewed two products but neither have been published yet and it’s been a few days now. Just wondering if I did actually submit them properly! Thanks 🙂

  • 10 yrs ago

    Hi Trixter, if BH doesn’t collaborate with a certain brand, then the brand won’t be on BH website. There’s a thread on which products/brands you’d like to see on BH if you want to search for it 🙂 x

    I’m new to this site and very much appreciate your clarification, as I’m sort of still just navigating my way around and like Trixter I have similar questions. It is much appreciated when somebody has an informative explanation like yours so we can make the most of this site 🙂 xx

  • 10 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Hi Trixter, if BH doesn’t collaborate with a certain brand, then the brand won’t be on BH website. There’s a thread on which products/brands you’d like to see on BH if you want to search for it 🙂 x

    Do you have a link to that thread? 🙂

  • 11 yrs ago

    Hi Trixter, if BH doesn’t collaborate with a certain brand, then the brand won’t be on BH website. There’s a thread on which products/brands you’d like to see on BH if you want to search for it 🙂 x

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