Tips on blogging
Hi Everyone,
I have decided that I am also going to start a blog since the internet doesn’t enough people talking about what they love!! I am going to do it on the science of beauty ie talk about studies (or in some cases ‘studies’…if you only talk to 8 subjects then it is not a study, I’ sorry!!) beauty companies do, how scientifically sound they are, maybe translate their claims into plain English etc. Anyway, I’m new to this whole blooging thing and I was wondering whether people could give me some pointers. If anyone else has questions please feel free to post here as well as you are probably going to be asking the same things I will need to know once I get into it a bit more.
I have just started setting up the layout so might work it out as I go but these are my questions so far:
*can you file articles under different subject headings rather than by date?
*do you lift pictures off the net to include in your blog or is that plagerism? ie I want to include a pic of skin structure in mine – should i ask the source where i get it from?
*how often do you post?
*I noticed on some blogs that there are google ads on the side – does google automatically put them there?
Thats all for now but if you have any good tips please share!
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