15 yrs ago

Sorry to ask but…

This is a bit embarressing but Im 37wks preggers and for the past two days in serious pain.
Im presuming its constipation cos it feels like i need to go to the toilet badly but when I try i cant go and the pain gets even worse and is accompanied by shooting pains down my legs.
I got freaked out last nyt it was so bad and it reminded me a bit of my last labour as I was sure I needed to go to the toilet til the doc came in and said it was a contraction…wooops!!!
Anyway my question is, is there anything i can do for it? I have been drinkin heaps of water and orange juice, eating loads of fruit and veggies and have been walking loads. I dont know what else to try and the pains are becoming unbearable.
Also, the pains used to die down if i lay down with a fan on me but now they come even wen im lying.

Any ideas?? Anyone?

6 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs ago

    be careful with castor oil …. my mum told me it helps bring on labor so stupid me took some because i was over being pregnant at the time and i had my daughter within 24 hours 3 weeks early..she just turned 9 on 9/9/09…. good luck hope all goes well and i agree with kylie it sound like it might be real soon

  • 15 yrs ago

    if it is constipation try a spoonful of castor oil (yuk) or get some newlax from your chemist. it’s like a fruit laxative. anything to relieve the pain.

  • If it is constipation elaine it sounds like you are doing everything you need to like drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fruit. I find having some yoghurt gets my bowels moving. I wouldn’t take any supplements without first discussing with your gp. I hope the pain goes away and good luck with the next few weeks. Look forward to hearing your exciting news.

  • 15 yrs ago

    Can you remember when you had Callum if you experience pain like this, I think I had both my bubs with-in a day or so of gettin bad pains, the contractions might very well start up quickly, when I had my second the contractions started fast and bub was born in hours, nothing like the first one when it was more textbook with the symptoms. I would just sit tight and wait until you experience contractions, too many pregnant woman head to the hospital thinking they are in labour only to get sent home, as you would know after already having one, when it is the real deal you sure know it, lol. Good luck darl, I don’t think there is anything you can do for the pain just try to keep yourself as comfy as you possibly can, which I know is next to impossible darl, keep us posted 🙂

  • 15 yrs ago

    go and see what the doc has to say, you might be a mum before you know it. Is this your first?

  • 15 yrs ago

    ooo sounds like your bubba is coming very soon! GOODLUCK

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