16 yrs, 3 mths ago

Silica and Breast feeding

Does anyone know if it is safe to take Silica tabs whilst breast feeding?

7 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    pregnancy already does that for me 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Princess, try mixing the gel with juice, then you won`t be able to taste it.
    Sharna, silica is really good for your hair and nails, it makes your hair grow fast and get thicker, and it makes your nails stronger.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    why do you take silica…. sorry i must be brain dead!

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    the liquid doesn`t taste so good. it`s that chalky kind of tast which i don`t enjoy, i`d rather take herbs but it apparently absorbs better than the tablets. i hope it works because my hair and nails are sooooooo dry despite what i use.
    i also bought fish oil tabs but i don`t think they`re odourless so i will have to swap them (they`re not opened yet.)

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Thanks GG, I`ll go to the chemist and have a look. I actually did ask one Pharmacist and amazingly she didn`t know. Might be best if I go to a different chemist. Princess I look forward to reading what you have to say about the liquid form. I`m terrible at taking tabs.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    on the topic of Silica, i just bought the liquid form on the weekend and some fish oil capsules. i`ll let you all know if i stop splitting and crackling everywhere.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    It should say on the packaging – if it isn`t safe it will definitely say so, if you`re not sure just go ask your local chemist – they`ll know.

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