13 yrs, 7 mths ago

Shopping Overseas – Do you have any tip?

Hi there!

Just thought to start a delicious thread about how to shop overseas/online.

As we all know there are beautiful websites online and at times we only become defeated by the ONLY DELIVERED in USA etc.

to get around this I suggest investing in a USA postal address 😀 you can also get this for the UK and so on and after this, you can take advantage of the USA deals and free delivery within US etc.

Google: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=post+box+usa+international+redirection&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Mailbox exchange:


My US post service:




Compare services:


Websites you can take full advantage of after you have received your USA postal address are:






And so on!!!


Enjoy shopping all year 😀

5 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Hello Nat! 😀

    Omgooodness! 🙂

    Wow, well – cup of tea to calm down after that loss of quality info!
    Don’t like it when that happens :S

    Yes I’m Mixed Asian 😀 hehe Chinese, Indian Malay & Aussie mostly with a few others, nice to meet you >^.^< hehe..

    Omgosh Thai I LOVE Thailand wish I was part Thai 😀

    Ya I do love to shop from Japan stores because I just never figured out where to buy too many Japan items here!!! :S

    Heard of an awesome Sydney supermarket though it’s not near me.

    Any online Asian sites in Aus would be fully appreciated! 😀

    I mostly shop for electronics, rare strange chinese medicine, beauty items & green tea haha! From the Asian sites and then from US I go for the beauty, lingerie and fashion items. 😀

    Ooooooooh I know I also hate getting stared at in stores or rude shop assistants :S * Soul Sisters * (BTW I had a tip from a friend that sunglasses help… leave them on? but it feels funny to me 🙂

    Well, online shopping is soooooooooooooooooooooo fantastic!

    As an expat I just travel too much so the stores I love are the bigger US brands for reliability bcos sometimes I just don’t have time to figure out the cool niche local spots of a new location.

    Hence why I spend lots of time reading peoples blogs and online shopping!

    Will have to add a few links to make this reply a bit more valid lmao 😀






    Although I’m no longer Vegan (Oh gosh I tried but got a little ill).


    Be back another day all, enjoy your night Nat! xx

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Oooh thanks Natrissara 🙂

    I also LOVE Bluefly service, plus their sales are unbelievable!!! 🙂

    Yes relatives/friends in the USA are great, though if your shopping too often it adds up in postage costs and so the fees for redirection work out cheaper and no friendships strained LMAO 🙂

    As a * Shopaholic * I LOVE these services as I found that shopping a few times a month it got too embarrassing asking people to post it here 🙂

    I believe my shopping is 50% USA 40% Asia and 10% EU 🙂

    I live online haha.. I don’t spend too much time in stores unless it’s quality or services.


    ahhhhh OMG im cursed!!
    REALLY annnoyed..
    I jsut lost my reply by accidentally losing the page and now my msg is gone.. i typed a whole lot sleepy cat.
    and id JUST bitched about this exact thin happnig, 1hr ago in the ‘what i hate ‘ new thread.
    seriously.. its like i was doomed.

    i wrote about my view of shipping
    and also my exp with asian sites (buting knock off heels ) with detail of good and bad sides to it.. but it was tooo much to repeat.. or not right now.
    i also said i live onlnie for a lot of shoping these days.. esp coz im going out less and also i get stared at a lot when im out, in stores.
    ia lso wrote about sites i love, like steve madden for shoes -(and that their CS rep team is in romania ! haha shhh)
    wel i mite write moreagain later…

    finally i had been typing (when i lost he msg) asking if ur asian ?
    i am – thai/filo . i can understand a lot of waht ur saying with ur shoping vibe.


  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Oooh thanks Natrissara 🙂

    I also LOVE Bluefly service, plus their sales are unbelievable!!! 🙂

    Yes relatives/friends in the USA are great, though if your shopping too often it adds up in postage costs and so the fees for redirection work out cheaper and no friendships strained LMAO 🙂

    As a * Shopaholic * I LOVE these services as I found that shopping a few times a month it got too embarrassing asking people to post it here 🙂

    I believe my shopping is 50% USA 40% Asia and 10% EU 🙂

    I live online haha.. I don’t spend too much time in stores unless it’s quality or services.


  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Would love to see any customs, duty free & overseas websites advice too 😀

    Anyone have any suggestions on import rules or beautiful overseas websites?

    Where do you love to shop overseas?


    Preferred Cities/Countries/Experiences?


    i have done plenty of onlnie shoping (mostly for heels) and its 95% from USA. But the best way honestly for a help for the shipping is a reliable friend over itn that location who can resend things. its an extra step but its bene fine for me.
    Not everyone has family or friends in many places but its a pretty easy option when u have it.

    btw – blurfly is a site with amazing ranges and also the nicest customer service ive ever encountered.


  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Would love to see any customs, duty free & overseas websites advice too 😀

    Anyone have any suggestions on import rules or beautiful overseas websites?

    Where do you love to shop overseas?


    Preferred Cities/Countries/Experiences?


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