13 yrs, 7 mths ago

*Rough. bumpy skin around mouth and on chin??*

Yesterday I noticed a really rough. bumpy patch of skin that goes around both sides of my mouth and all over my chin. Has anyone had this before and what did you do to get rid of it? Or are there any suggestions out there for me? Thanks Beauties!

4 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    oliveoil – i do use organic toothpaste. That leaves zinc, which i also read up on. I will get a blood test done tomorrow. Thanks guys!

    It’s not acne is it?

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    oliveoil – i do use organic toothpaste. That leaves zinc, which i also read up on. I will get a blood test done tomorrow. Thanks guys!

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I started to take zinc daily (it says to take 2 tablets, but i always forget to take another at night so i only take 1)and i changed to moogoo and more natural products and my skin calmed down it was mostly my chin that was annoying me and it has settled down and isnt a issue.

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Yesterday I noticed a really rough. bumpy patch of skin that goes around both sides of my mouth and all over my chin. Has anyone had this before and what did you do to get rid of it? Or are there any suggestions out there for me? Thanks Beauties!

    Two things popped in my mind. It could be you’re having a reaction to your toothpaste. Try something organic or at least white-coloured and not too packed with added ingredients like whitening, etc. Or you might need more zinc in your diet.

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