3 wks, 3 days ago

Rewards Room goodies

I wanted to buy some goodies from the Rewards Room only to find that most things are out f stock (as previously noted) or not a huge variety. Was hoping that ine the NY it would be replenished.

8 comments 8 voices


  • 1 w, 6 days ago

    Also what is up with a few items marked as requiring 0 points, in stock but unable to add to basket. I’ve put them in my wishlist to keep an eye on if I can order them.

  • 2 wks, 3 days ago

    Hmm, I have a big stack of points and there’s next to nothing to order. It seems to have been like that for a long time.

    • 2 wks, 1 day ago

      @Chrystalage Same. I also have concerns about the expiry of the products.

    • 2 wks, 2 days ago

      I’ve got the same problem, @Chrystalage. I usually buy a lot of cosmetics, but none of the cosmetics offer a colour choice. I don’t want to spend points on a lucky dip because I might get stuck with an unflattering shade.

  • 2 wks, 6 days ago

    Drat that is no good. I am banking mine up. Hoping some things come back in stock.

  • 3 wks ago

    I thought it was just me. I looked at the RR and thought meh. Hopefully there will be lots of new goodies in February.

  • 3 wks ago

    The Health and Wellness section should be closed as nothing is in stock.

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