13 yrs, 11 mths ago

Rash on legs!

Hey beauties!
I recently shaved by legs and then i applied a sample moisturizer that i recieved in the mail yesterday. After going shopping my legs started to itch thats when i noticed a rash on my legs! worst thing about it is i have a party tomorrow night! How can i make this go away or decrease the redness + itchyness ?
thanks (:

8 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Yay Mel! I second the MSM Cream suggestion…Moo Goo is the best! Also, maybe some aloe vera gel to soothe and reduce the inflammation

    It is seriously amazing isn’t it, wondering where this has been all my life during my endless itchy and scratchy episodes after shaving 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Yay Mel! I second the MSM Cream suggestion…Moo Goo is the best! Also, maybe some aloe vera gel to soothe and reduce the inflammation

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    If you still have the packaging, check out the ingredients- sounds like you’ve had an allergic reaction to something in it. An allergic reaction will happen quickly and be very itchy and hot- try to work out what caused it so next time it isn’t worse, and taking an antihistamine like Zyrtec will wipe it out stat!

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Do you ever suffer from excema/dermatitis. I often get an itchy rash on my legs and I apply a cream called Dermaid. You get it from the chemist and its not that expensive, abour $8 a tube I think and it lasts forever. It fixes my legs up overnight usually. Maybe you could give that a go.

    Yea, i have no clue! haha first time this has ever happened, kind of strange, like roxymisha said i should of test patched, lucky for me i got an ice pack on it and some cream a friend recommened i think it might of been dermaid, or some other brand of cream but it did the trick! hopeful tomorrow they shall look better! thankyou everyone for your advice! (:
    and imm looking in to buying some MooGoo MSM cream just in case this happens again! haha 😛

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Do you ever suffer from excema/dermatitis. I often get an itchy rash on my legs and I apply a cream called Dermaid. You get it from the chemist and its not that expensive, abour $8 a tube I think and it lasts forever. It fixes my legs up overnight usually. Maybe you could give that a go.

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    The only thing that works for me when I get shaving rash is the MooGoo MSM cream, it was suggested to me be some members here and since I have gotten it I don’t get any irritation after shaving any more. It also helps heaps to exfoliate before you shave and then you could also try and ingrown solution instead of a moisturiser after shaving 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I’d be using a cold pack too!

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    OOOh that sounds horrible, Emilyvintage. Lesson learned – don’t use a moisturiser on your legs until you have done a patch test. Having said that, I would go to your chemist immediately for advice. Suggest you take the sample moisturiser with you if you haven’t thrown it away so the chemist can see the ingredients. You may need to use a cortisone cream, but this sounds like you need good medical assistance. In the meantime, you might want to apply a coldpak to ease the itchiness and decrease the redness. Hope you don’t suffer too much longer. x

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