Quit Smoking!!
Hey, I”m wondering who out there has been able to give up smoking for good and how to do it. I have given up in the past but always relapse and end up smoking again after a few weeks. I know how bad it is for me and have tried patches but i just cant seem to kick the habit. I’m only 19 and have been smoking since i was 14. I’m usually fine during the week but whenever i have a few drinks on the weekend i just cant seem to say no to the cigarettes. If anyone has any tips on how they have quit for good they would be much appreciated.
16 yrs ago
Yeah – another smoker here. I have heard of some CD`s – i think they are called “”Easyway””?? or something quite similar. You smoke while you listen until it tells you not to. There are quite a few hours of listening but havent done it myself. You must WANT to do it whole heartedly, and tell everyone so they can help to – tell you how good your going etc.. – every bit helps.
16 yrs ago
I just realised that in my previous post I had mentioned I had given up for about 2and half months but I started to give them up in May 2008 when I started my new job, so yeah its longer than that. I feel Im over the worst of it now but the initial couple of months I had to keep my mind and hands busy. In beginning of September I went full time at work so that keeps me occupied and then Im exhausted at the end of the day. …………………Now I have to give up the caffeine!!!!!! I love my coffees, and at work my boss has a cappuccino ready for me when I walk into the office.
16 yrs ago
Good on you Tazza. How long ago did you quit? It seems to me that there are so many different ways to quit. Some ways work for some people and not others. Other ways work for other people. When people are really ready to quit they find the way for them. My man used tea tree sticks and nicobate chewies because he needed the chewies so he wouldn`t be too angry and horrible to be around and he needed the tea tree sticks for something to do with his hands and mouth. I have another friend that was hypnotised and it worked for her but didn`t work on her husband. Maybe that`s why it`s so hard to quit, it`s so individual.
16 yrs ago
Hey pretty in pink,
I know what you mean when you say the quit smoking ads make you reach for a ciggarette. When I used to smoke I always found my self reaching for a cigarette and lighting it up when those ads came on. I always said to myself Im not going to quit I wasnt ready and never thought I ever was. One day I was in the supermarket and out of the blue bought the nicobate chewies and it all happened from there. Im an ex smoker, I still think about having a puff on a ciggy but in the back of my mind I know I`ll hate the taste of it if I do and probably cough my lungs up as the smoke tickles and irrates my throat. Best of luck for any one who wants to give it up and if you fail at least you gave it a shot till the next attempt.
Tazza -
16 yrs ago
Thanks everyone. It is great that so many of you have shared your experiences, it amazing that some of you have quit and never looked back! i haven`t quit yet, but I`ve cut right down to only having three a day for the last week, which is really good compared to how much i used to smoke. Ive asked my friends not to give me any cigarettes even when i asked so that`s made it a bit easier. Does anyone know where to buy that book “”Allan Carrs Easyway to Stop Smoking””? it sounds like it really must work. As much as i want to quit i don`t think I`m completely ready yet.i think in a week or so ill be able to go a whole day without a smoke, and then a whole week! Your right Ariana82 i think going cold turkey isn`t a very good idea. In the past that`s what Ii`ve always done but its never worked. I`m hoping by gradually cutting down I`ll be able to quit for good. The best of luck to everyone else in the same situation.
16 yrs, 1 mth ago
Dear leoluvsrob & Whaee, I loved smoking too. I even loved the smell, sick I know. The quit smoking adds always made me reach for a cigarette. I didn`t even really care about how bad they are for your health until after I quit.
When you are ready to quit you will quit just as when I was ready to quit I did. Leoluvsrob quitting for a baby is why I quit and I think it probably made it alot easier. There was just no way I could do that to my baby and you don`t forget you are pregnant. I don`t miss it either which has probably been the biggest shock. I thought I would be forever longing to have one. I`m sure when you are ready you will quit. Good luck. xxx -
16 yrs, 1 mth ago
Hi all. I am 25 and I`ve been a smoker for the best part of 13 years. I started at a very young age and yes, it was due to peer pressure. I have tried to give up twice and neither attempt was successful. I tried patches, gum and the inhalers. I will never (for personal reasons and 3 friends experiences) try Zyban or any other anti-smoking medication so that option is automatically ruled out for me personally.
My father smoked for over 30 years and gave up cold turkey – he hasn`t had a cigarette in almost 25 years now. My best friend also gave up smoking after 10 years and again, it was cold turkey. I think they key to both of their success was the fact that A) They WANTED (as in really, honestly wanted) to stop and 2) They were READY and prepared to stop smoking.
I currently have no plans to stop smoking cigarettes, I know that must sound terrible but I`m just being honest with myself. I know how horribley bad smoking is for my health, I am aware of how ridiculously expensive these cancer sticks are – but the cold hard fact is, I am not ready to stop nor do I actually WANT to stop. I do have a date in mind to quit smoking (1st March 2009) and I have cut down my smoking significantly in the last 6 months with a lot of encouragement from family and friends. I wish the very best of luck to anyone who is thinking of, or who has, given up this habit but I`m also going to say DO NOT lose heart or hope if your attempts fail. Scientific evidence has proven that nicotine is more addictive than heroin and is extremely difficult to give up – to all those who have successfully given up, you`re amazing and WELL DONE for being so strong, patient and willing 🙂 . Good luck everyone xoxoxo
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