17 yrs ago

Pregnant celebrities & their weight

I just thought I’d start a topic on this as there are so many pregnant celebrities at the moment. I just think it is so terrible that celebrities have this pressure to drop to a size o straight after the birth of their child. instead they should be enjoying motherhood and let the weight come off slowly with a well balanced diet and exercise. I had a baby myself this year and I didn’t drop all my weight overnight. I just think it sends out a bad message to women and their shouldn’t be this ridiculous pressure.

37 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs ago

    I agree with this as I have friends that are pregnant and their biggest worry is the weight they have gained and how quickly they have to drop it. I think pregnant people have a natural glow about them and they shouldn`t be worrying about their weight they should be focusing on their family.

    But alot of my friends said that it was easier dropping their weight below their original weight after they had a baby (as there wasnt crash dieting involved it just came off)

    But i wouldnt really know was I dont have kids

  • 16 yrs ago

    It`s just not natural, your body has been through so much making and having the baby, it needs time to get back to how you like to be and the big hurry up these celebs do cant be any good for them.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Some are naturally slim – five days after my first child (natural) i wore my going away outfit (size 8) – i had no extra weight???? yet i was a healthy pregnant woman. My second child (cesearean) took a little longer. Im just saying that i was extremely lucky and honestly – my weight vanished. Fair to say i have no weight problems and never have. I eat what i like – but i walk to my work and home every day. There lives are so different from ours tho – they make their living on their appearance. It is sad, but skinny is horrid!!! Surely us “”normal”” women dont care THAT much do we. My friends all lose weight but dont usually start to complain until about six months after the birth.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Maybe they have all been using the Mark Patrick Media program. Beviis the expert reckons its really good! Lol..

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I don`t agree with it, but I can`t blame the celebs for busting their arses off to get their bodies back in shape. Everything in hollywood is so fickle – and you may be the hottest thing one day but totally off the radar the next. You never know when you`re going to be labelled a has-been so obviously a lot of celebs just do what they can while they`re still young and fresh.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I guess because most celebrities have a clause in their contracts regarding their weight and appearance, that they feel obliged to drop back to their `movie` or `model` weight soon after giving birth so they can get back to work. Us mere mortals are lucky that our jobs don`t depend on our appearances so much

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Yeah Alexarose, it`s like they are doing it to impress the public?

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I cant believe Jessica Alba already lost all her weight just a few weeks after the baby. I always thought she was one of the very few celebs who wasnt caught up in all of the Hollywood lifestyle and didnt let it get to her head. I dont know why these women put so much pressure on themselves and their bodies just to lose weight in a very scary amount of time.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I know it seems to be the new trend! Oh poor little kiddies being born just as an accessory.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Style Queen I really am not sure either and i have heard rumours too, oh lord most celebrities are getting pregnant nowdays and even Mariah Carey is wanting a baby

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