13 yrs, 9 mths ago

Nail/Hand care routines.

I know millions have skincare routines but who out there has regular nail and or hand care specific routines? And if you DO, what is your routine?

I’m asking because I just started to take looking after my nails and hands as seriously as I take my nightly facial skincare routine and I’m a newbie when it comes to nail care/regular maintainance so any tips would be appreciated.

11 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    wow, is that your current nails natrissara? well i dont have any routines as well. but i always try to put some handcream in train on the way to work, before my bedtime, and usually cuticle oil when im puting nail polishes, i should pribably start putting it on my nails more often

    thats my natural nails yes. that was taken last yr tho.
    i dont ever keep them less than about 3/4 of whats in that pic.
    and ive kepy them at “extreme” lengths for 11yrs, with pointy tips for about 6 pretty much.

    im going to put up a pile of info of nails care help over the coming days if i get organised.


    thats amazing that your nails can grow that long without breaking!! i struggle with mine! lol and yes please, great info abt how to strengthen nails are greatly appreciated!

    Hi Vivalicous
    yep thats my nails ( i call them claws a lot of the time lolz)
    they grow this long (and have more in the past) coz i give excellent care, plus of course i made them a top priority about my lifestyle 2. so it does take some manic devotion 😛

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    wow, is that your current nails natrissara? well i dont have any routines as well. but i always try to put some handcream in train on the way to work, before my bedtime, and usually cuticle oil when im puting nail polishes, i should pribably start putting it on my nails more often

    thats my natural nails yes. that was taken last yr tho.
    i dont ever keep them less than about 3/4 of whats in that pic.
    and ive kepy them at “extreme” lengths for 11yrs, with pointy tips for about 6 pretty much.

    im going to put up a pile of info of nails care help over the coming days if i get organised.


    thats amazing that your nails can grow that long without breaking!! i struggle with mine! lol and yes please, great info abt how to strengthen nails are greatly appreciated!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Thanks Natrissara, that’s really helpful! A couple of years ago, I started noticing that my nails were look kind of yellow-ish (very very light though) so I stopped wearing nail polish for a few months and they went back to normal. But now I’ve gone back to nail polish because nails just look so much better with it on!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I just trim my nails and paint them once a week and put hand cream on before bed every night. I should stop with all the nail polish…all those chemicals can’t be good for my nails!

    actually most of the items in polishes are inert at best – so wont cause damage. its the things that strip off the polish that mostly might harm. the best care is what your body ingests and will synthesise for the nail growth, internally – with outside protection from polishes and a boost by some extras like oils, and other compounds.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I just trim my nails and paint them once a week and put hand cream on before bed every night. I should stop with all the nail polish…all those chemicals can’t be good for my nails!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    wow, is that your current nails natrissara? well i dont have any routines as well. but i always try to put some handcream in train on the way to work, before my bedtime, and usually cuticle oil when im puting nail polishes, i should pribably start putting it on my nails more often

    thats my natural nails yes. that was taken last yr tho.
    i dont ever keep them less than about 3/4 of whats in that pic.
    and ive kepy them at “extreme” lengths for 11yrs, with pointy tips for about 6 pretty much.

    im going to put up a pile of info of nails care help over the coming days if i get organised.


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    wow, is that your current nails natrissara? well i dont have any routines as well. but i always try to put some handcream in train on the way to work, before my bedtime, and usually cuticle oil when im puting nail polishes, i should pribably start putting it on my nails more often

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Im going to compile something of a system that i use / have used and name what i thin kare the most critical things to have in a nails routine if u want more growth and stronger nails –

    just remembere – there are NO short cuts to good results.
    it takes time, and ongoing dedication.

    im already def seeing that quite a few of you gals have the right idea, and do certain components of the care routines, that i haev always used.


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I love using a handcream at night just before I nod off (and after I take my contacts out so I don’t get cream in my eyes!). I look forward to this soothing hand treat pretty much every night so I guess it is a type of routine!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    My approach to nail/hand care is similar to melmeko’s.

    I always use hand cream after washing my hands so I have a pump bottle next to the kitchen sink and in the bathroom. I also have hand cream in my makeup bag in my handbag and by my bag as well as on my desk. This way, there is no excuse for me not to moisturise my hands.

    I always use a cuticle balm/oil every night before applying hand cream. I have been using this routine for many years now and it has helped me achieve manageable cuticles. Before, I had thick cuticles which were a nightmare.

    When I believe my nails are weakening I use a nail strengthener. Am currently using revitanail’s nail strengthener for sensitive nails. Before I used the regular strengthener. After using this for a couple of weeks I then I colour my nails but always use base and top coat.

    About once a week I use a scrub on my hands. Depending on what is in the bathroom cupboard I may have a scrub specially formulated for hands, otherwise a body scrub will do. After using a scrub I apply cuticle balm/oil and then handcream which makes my hands feel beautifully moisturised and pampered.

    I also use cuticle balm/oil on my toes as the cuticles are a bit tough. If I remember and am not too tired I do this before sleeping.

    Hope this helps. x

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