Beauties I just created my very first blog! Please feel free to take a look! Would be posting daily/weekly!
Much Appreciated 😀
What are your thoughts? If you joined/followed/by email, what topics would you like to see on my blog? I am happy to search, trial and talk!
<3 Xx
I am finding it hard to have followers as I don’t know anyone else with a blog!
Great blog, am following you now.
I find twitter drives a lot of traffic to my blog.
I have only found I got a couple of followers from Twitter but I don’t really like Twitter that much, its quite impersonal, haha, and I find it hard to say what I need to say in such a small space, lol. I prefer Facebook but no chance of gaining followers there, other than my friends, haha. Is there any special way of promoting your blog on Twitter to gain more traffic???