15 yrs, 2 mths ago

“My boyfriend vetoed my boob job. (God I love that man.)”

A body image story about a woman’s decision not to get breast augmentation.

As the senior features writer on CLEO magazine, I am looking to conduct a phone interview with a woman aged 25-35 about her desire to get breast augmentation (why she wanted it done, how she viewed her body), how her partner (boyfriend or husband) talked her out of it, and why she’s now happy with her decision not to have surgery. Please email Rebecca at rwhish@acpmagazines.com.au if you’re interested in telling your story.

6 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Hi Rebecca,
    This isn`t quite the story you are looking for but I`ve always been big breasted and after having my son and breast feeding it left them kinda of … well saggy and after putting on a fair bit of weight I`ve started at the gym and am working hard to get back to the weight where I feel comfortable but in just the last 3 months I`ve lost a cup size in my bra, I told my husband that I hate that my breasts are getting smaller and told him that when I get back to my goal weight I wanted to have them.. not enlarged but sort of “”refilled””. He of course told me that I`m beautiful and all the stuff he is supposed to say but it`s not made a difference how I feel about it, so we finally reached the decision that if I an adamant when the time comes he will support me.

    I hope this helps even a tiny bit Rebecca and congrats on an awesome article topic.

  • 15 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Hello Rebecca! Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for me!) I don`t have anything to offer, but I think you have answered a question I have long wondered about. I`ve always been curious as to how the media finds subjects for articles, I figured they used friends of friends etc; but with forums and chat rooms such a popular place to discuss specific issues, it makes sense to search online for interviewees. All the best!

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I think it`s a lovely concept…. but if someone wants to get them done, its about making themself happy and ultimately it`s not the partners decision, its the person getting them.

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    i need a reduction lol

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Me neither I am afraid, hopefully you can find some girls to help you out darl 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Wow, Cleo staff visit BH!! Hi Rebecca. Shame, I`m not even remotely suitable for your story!

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