16 yrs, 4 mths ago

Mirena IUD

Has anyone had one of these, would like to hear your experiences as I am having one put in, in a couple of weeks and a bit anxious about it.


15 comments 32 voices


  • 6 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Yep the insertion is dreadful. My GP kept laughing at me saying it`s “”not so bad””… okay sir, how about you have something hooked into your uterus – OH WAIT. YOU DON`T HAVE ONE DO YOU. Grrrr….

    But the pain is well worth it in my opinion. It did legitimately feel like childbirth. It`s strange because I`ve never actually given birth – but instinctively I KNEW it was that feeling. How weird is that… being a woman is magical and terrifying. I knew it was the feeling of childbirth!

    Anyway the only thing so far that I am disliking about the Mirena is very ironic… I got it because I was sick of having long, constant periods (towards the end I was on 3 week periods, 1 week break!) and now that I have the Mirena… my periods are completely gone. And I`m not enjoying that as much as I thought I would. There`s something reassuring about getting your period and knowing everything`s OK and you`re not pregnant, LOL.

  • 6 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I know this is an old, old thread but I don`t see the point of starting a new one!

    Just wanted to share my insertion experience here as I read a lot of horror stories prior and it did not help me in the least!

    I got my Mirena inserted on Monday (it is Wednesday today) and I just wanted to say that even though it definitely hurts (there is no denying that!) please don`t take a lot of the horror stories from the internet on board of you are considering Mirena.

    I read some stories online of women saying it was “”as bad as childbirth””… I mean if this was childbirth, I`m going to birth an army. It hurts but it`s super quick and apart from cramping (which for me is almost gone after 48 hours) the pain stops right after it`s been placed.

    I was on the Implanon for 6 years prior to Mirena insertion, and the hormones are pretty much the same, so I don`t expect any shocking side effects for myself. We will see and I will keep updated if something unexpected happens.

    And for the record, I overall loved the Implanon (you don`t feel insertion, you get used to the foreign object on your arm very quickly, and I had no nasty side-effects) but unfortunately I have very heavy, long periods which the Implanon does not help with – Mirena was specifically recommended for me to lessen the bleeding.

    If anyone does have any questions about my Implanon experience or about the Mirena insertion please do let me know. I`m more than happy to share my experience in detail if it helps. I don`t think there`s enough open talk about this stuff – my experience was I kinda just got put on the pill, no questions asked, and it had to go horribly wrong before anything else was presented to me. That said I did grow up pre-social media (I`m from `87).

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Just reviving this old topic. I don`t have a mirena but i have had a mutliload IUD put in. Reason being the hormone found in pills, injects, implants and even in the mirenna tends to make me put on weight.

    Last time i had an injection i put on 15kg`s in 3 months.

    3 months after i had my first IUD put in at Marie Stopes it slipped. I had a scan done which revealed it has moved. Marie stopes removed it and put in another one. Still going strong.

    Periods have returned to normal and life just seems normal.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I know this topic hasn`t been used for a while but I figured I`d post my question here rather than start another one.

    About two weeks ago while I was having several cysts and endo-tissue removed I had a Mirena IUD implanted. Since then I`ve had extreme mood swings (eg. cooking dinner and randomly bursting into tears, getting p.o.ed about something that would normally never bother me), dry skin and loss of appetite. I`ve also had some random bleeding and cramps but I was warned about that when it was implanted and its nothing as bad as before the op. So I was wondering if anyone else has experienced that and how long it lasted?


  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Thanks elmorules – I`m not keen on the implant it kinda freaks me out think I`d prefer the injection! My biggest prob is forgetting to take the pill!
    One question though – do you know how much the injection costs? My doctor didn`t know…

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    elmorules that is so freaky! hehe.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    elmo , my daughter swear by the injection she was on the pill for years notting but trouble . she tried the implant in her leg left a scar . she now off injection as she and hubby want my children .

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Elmo that`s so freaky?!!
    I didn`t know they were still doing IUDs I thought they were taken off the market due to probs with them? I`m personally looking at the implant or the injection for contraception (want to get off the pill).

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    my friend had an IUD in years ago she became preg with it in her , her little girl was holding on to it,,,it was wraped around her little fingers she had a very faint mark for years she is now 24 years old .

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    my mother has one, shes recently had some problems with it though. but overall they are pretty good, thats the impression i got from her

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