13 yrs, 11 mths ago

Is makeup a necessity or a luxury for you?

I was just thinking about whether makeup is a necessity or a luxury. This came about when I wanted to get the Yaby palette on sale but couldn’t justify the cost. If I asked my husband whether I could get it he probably would have said that if I need it then I can get it. As I don’t wear makeup everyday then I can hardly say that I need it.

When it comes to budgeting, where do you draw the line between need and want ie if you wear foundation everyday then I guess its a necessity, but then if money became tight would you switch to a cheaper brand or skimp in other areas of your life instead. Same with eyeshadow. If by some miracle you got down to the pan on your last colour could you buy only 1 colour to repalce it or would you get a palette of 40 (such as the Yaby) knowing you probably have a years supply.

35 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Things like eyeshadow etc are definitely a luxury for me and I do not need them but as for foundation, which I do really need to even out my complexion, I consider a necessity. I wouldn’t be able to leave the house without using something to iron out my complexion, as I am not comfortable in my own skin so to speak and if I am not comfortable then that is not a good thing. I think I would rather stay home than go out with a completely bare face, lol.

    I am definitely like you MEL! 🙂high fives LOL

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    In my mind, its a need. Well atleast concealer, blush/bronzer and mascara are, I couldnt go without those few things ever never ever. Butttt I can see myself not having a total mental breakdown if I had to go without things like gloss and shadow for awhile.

    Once I’ve paid all prior commitments, any spare money goes to makeup/skincare/haircare and clothes so I suppose thats sort of a luxury 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Neither. It’s something I use when I have something I want to wear makeup for…. like christmas or a birthday or whatever. Day to day in summer I don’t wear makeup, just a moisturiser with SPF. I just went to Coles, and pizza hut (veggie pizza mia mmm) with no makeup (or shoes LOL) on. I love makeup, but with my hyperhidrosis trying to do a full face in summer just will never happen… so I’ve learned to love myself without makeup 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Makeup as well as skincare, are necessary to my psychological state of mind. I could go shopping at Coles with no makeup on but I really do not want to. I enjoy everything about doing my face from the first step to the final.

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    It is a necessity for work, so i look presentable. But having the choice of so many lovely eyeshadows is a luxury for me =)

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Makeup is absolutely essential for me. Without it, I just don’t look like me! :p

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    It really depends on the occasion or event one is attending.
    If i’m just at home on the weekend I don’t bother wearing makeup, if i go shopping just a bit of tinted moisturisor and lipgloss and if it’s a wedding then I go all out.
    For me makeup is both a necessity and a luxury.

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Absolute necessity lol! I would always find a way to get my makeup 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Things like eyeshadow etc are definitely a luxury for me and I do not need them but as for foundation, which I do really need to even out my complexion, I consider a necessity. I wouldn’t be able to leave the house without using something to iron out my complexion, as I am not comfortable in my own skin so to speak and if I am not comfortable then that is not a good thing. I think I would rather stay home than go out with a completely bare face, lol.

    That’s so true, I never leave the house without having a bit of powder on to even out skintone, redness, pimples and oiliness (which i use blotting paper of course). I’ll never leave the house with bare skin, never mind the lips, cheeks or eyes. Complexion is my priority

  • 13 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Things like eyeshadow etc are definitely a luxury for me and I do not need them but as for foundation, which I do really need to even out my complexion, I consider a necessity. I wouldn’t be able to leave the house without using something to iron out my complexion, as I am not comfortable in my own skin so to speak and if I am not comfortable then that is not a good thing. I think I would rather stay home than go out with a completely bare face, lol.

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