16 yrs, 1 mth ago

Foundations and concealers, cheap vs brand names

I was wondering what kind of foundations and concealers people use. Is it worth investing in or can one find a good foundation that doesn’t look flakey, cakey or dry that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?

What do people prefer, powders or liquid foundations?

4 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Hi, i have sensitive skin, and after a long survey of trying to find a good foundation i realized, that Maybelline Wonder Finish is quite ok for my skin.
    It doesn`t give such a good coverage, but it doesn`t make my skin dry. The other thing is Everyday minerals mineral foundation, which is perfect, if you are looking for sg easy and long-lasting, this is the one. Also Clinique has some great liquid foundations.
    I tried Biotherm foundation as well, it was quite bad, it didn`t cover at all, and i got pimples and itchy feeling on my face.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I totally agree with you Elmo, I spurge on the things that matters…eye cream cream, foundation, mascara….and then I can go cheapie on other things like lippies and nail polishes!

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Personally I believe in investing in my skin – it`s what I`ve decided to do this year – for something that goes on your face all day – I think it`s worth spending a bit more. I use Eles liquid to powder mineral makeup – and I`ve never had so many compliments on my skin in my life! It gives great coverage (I have problem skin) – great for sensitive skin, great staying power, and doesn`t clog pores as it`s mineral makeup. It also contains no nasties. I think it`s around $60..? I can`t remember the exact price. YOu can have a look at http://www.elescosmetics.com.au.
    As for concealers – I have a few for different areas. I like Loreal touche magique for under eyes (brightens dark circles). I have Max Factor mastertouch for concealing redness and general imperfections. Then I have both Natio tinted spot treatment and the Dermalogica tinted spot treatment for when I have a pimple I want to cover and treat at the same time.
    It can be hard to spend a lot of money on makeup when you`re short on cash. However I scrimp on other things in order to spend more on foundation/concealer/bronzer etc – as I have never found a cheap product that has worked well for me anyway – and my skin has improved since using mineral makeup. Each to their own – but that`s my recommendations! 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I use covergirl pressed powder and at the moment puremakeup liquid foundation . i prefer powder but have gone back to using liquid because it is cheaper and i find even tho it is not as good fr your skin i get better coverage . you def dont need to spend an arm and a leg lizzay! maybeline foundations are around the 10-15 dollar range which is pretty good. covergirl sell theirs for the same price range too, and they all work great. you really need to find one that looks really great on you, and it will most likely be a reasonable price but if it is a little more expensive it could be worth it. clinique for example i think are more in the 20-30 range? but are supposedly really good.

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