16 yrs, 2 mths ago


Does anyone have any cures for this? Its driving me mad, I can’t even tan my legs.

4 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Lol thanks, there`s heaps of information on the internet about it so sinc you yourself know the severity of it you will be able to decipher whether it is a mild case of it or an extreme case and can consider treatment options from that point. Goodluck overcoming it though 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    very informative alexa! i recommend you go to a doc vcorreiapinto( very interesting name! lol) how is it now? any better or worse?

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I researched it as well and apparently only mild cases of Folliculitis can cure by itself however I dont know the severity of your particular case but otherwise it is recommended to take tropical antibiotics. I suggest you see a doctor for a prescription if your acse is serious. Otherwise a few thigns you can apparently do to help it yourself is cleaning the infected area thoroughly with soap and water, or with a disinfectant preparation containing chlorhexidine or povidone iodine, is usually effective.

    Applying moist heat compresses to the local area helps promote vasodilation (dilation of the blood vessels) and drainage from the lesions.

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I looked it up, apparently it usually goes away by itself within 2 weeks but i think you should see a doctor immediately. you can anti fungul creams and stuff and get it treated properly.

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