17 yrs, 1 mth ago

eczema/make up

i get eczema occasionaly onmy skin and its difficult to make skin look smooth with flawless foundation, despite the useof moisturiser, any help?

11 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    There are goat milks soaps, available in health shops. I haven`t tried them myself but some other bh ladies had and they are good.

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    lol I dont go milk a goat I buy it from the chemist in a bottle lol

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    awesome goats milk sounds interesting! hehe

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I too get ezcema on my face and neck I got recomended goats milk wash and use it all over my body and face it has made my ezcema go but I have to use it every time I shower and make sure I moisturise religously

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I too get facial eczema from time to time, my dermatologist prescribed cortisone creams and told me to use use cetaphil & qv products, but it started to flare up about a month ago, after a little research I found rose hip oil was supposed to help, so I started using it as a moisturiser, it has really helped, my eczema cleared up within a couple of days (I caught it very early) and my skin texture is much smoother, i don`t have flaky dry patches any more, and the pigmentation loss I get with the eczema is disappearing.
    I hope this helps

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Hi angela

    am living proof of sensitive skin and minor flareups of facial eczema. some years back I could only use shisedo however, I have recently changed to minerals makeup with success results.

    The key to determine your the type of eczema and ensure to determine harsh products in the makeup your using. Mine is very dry and I am sensitive to many parabens petrochemicals etc….I learned so much more studying massage therapy providing me with a high level of knowledge to work with what`s available in todays market.

    Take your time as there are many out there and finding the right one is the key. Am fortunate that the beauty counters I approached were happy to provide samples of suggested products savings you time and most importantly $$$$.

    Hope this helps you continue looking as gorgeous!

  • 16 yrs, 8 mths ago

    evening primrose oil is meant to be good for it also baby oil as a body moisturiser either in the bath or rubbed into skin then off with a towel to get eccess off , milk powder in the bath helps ease itching

  • 17 yrs ago

    Sarahjane has great advice. Rather than use harsh medications that can have side effects you should go to a naturopath who can help you heal it from within. Try to use really basic products, I would stay away from most big brands as they tend to be full of chemicals.

    There is a great book out called The Skin Type Solution: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Best Skin Ever by Leslie Baumann. You should be able to find it at your local library, if they don`t have it they can order it in for you. It is a fantastic book that helps you determine exactly what skin type you have and what solutions would work for you. It lists recommended products by price. You might benefit from only using cetaphil like my brother does (he has had bad eczema all his life). There is nothing wrong with using cheap products they are often better. The purist company have a range of products that may also suit you. The emergency cream would be really good for you to carry around.

    Mineral make-up is probably the way to go until your skin heals.

    good luck!

  • 17 yrs ago

    i had reall bad eczema when i was younger and now i have very sensitive skin that reacts to everything the only foundation i have found that i don`t react to is sheseido, i also use estea lauder verite cleanser and moisturiser for sensitive skin and this had really helped with no breakouts…. also try asking the doctor for a script for elidel which is great and clears up breakouts in a day or so.

  • 17 yrs ago

    Mineral makeup is perfect for your skin problem. My advice is to avoid any cream with petro chemicals, or Sodium laureth sulfate in it, doesn`t matter what brand or how good it is supposed to work.
    If you are open to it, see a naturopath. We have eczema because of imbalances in our body. topical treatments can help, but healing needs to happen from within too. Flaxzeed oil is fantastic to start with as it provides moisture to your skin from the inner layer.
    Good luck!

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