16 yrs, 10 mths ago

Difference btwn pricey creams & cheap ones?

Hi, I was wondering if any of you noticed a difference btwn expensive creams e.g Lancome… & normal supermarket creams? I tried Dr Lewinn’s moisturising cream which is about $50 per bottle.. and there wasnt even a difference to the Garnier cream i usually use

3 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    It makes you wonder sometimes though doesn`t it! WHats so good about this one versus that one.. its good that we can check and compare ingredients here on this site 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    wow, thanks so much for your speedy reply. maybe it`s all in my head.. me thinking that using expensive creams make my skin look & feel better when they don`t. Thanks! 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    It depends. Some of it has to do with the ingredients and a more expensive product may have higher concerntrates of certain ingredient. Packaging, advertising and marketing has a lot to do with the price as well. Make sure when you are buying a product for your skin ensure that you are buying a product which is suitable for your skin type. I say if you are just as happy using your Garnier cream then stick with it plus you`ll be saving yourself heaps of money. You could always check out the BH glossary and find out the definitions of the ingredients in the products you are using. You may find that some products have very similar ingredients.

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