13 yrs, 8 mths ago

Delayed reviews?

Has anyone had issues with their reviews not appearing?
I’ve posted quite a few reviews in the last few days and none have appeared on the product pages…

13 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    This is a little off topic, however, I was wondering if anyone is having difficulty submitting reviews today? I’ve tried clicking the ‘submit’ button, however, it doesn’t budge.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I’ve been having trouble posting reviews the last few nights and tonight. Before it wasn’t coming up saying my review had been sent even though it did (so I accidently posted multiple times) and tonight the submit button isn’t working at all. I’ve checked the My Reviews page tonight and it isn’t showing up there (where your reviews yet to be posted show up). Is anyone else having the same trouble?

    Also the whole BH site has been really laggy for me the past few days, espcially when I have 3 flash advetisments moving at the same time on one page. Other websites load fine so it doesn’t seem to be my internet connection.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Yeah, article and forum points should come up straight away. However, is there some type of limit of points you can obtain from a certain activity (eg. forum posts, etc)?

    Yup you’re right sezaluke90… You can get a maximum of 49 points from forum posts. its all explained here:

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    ohh no neither am i, i hope i didnt come across as ungrateful or anything, i just thought it was strange it wasnt coming up but it makes sense now that i see they have a limit!

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    so i just read! You can only rack up a maximum of 49 points in the forums. that would explain a bit i guess lol

    yea i noticed that when i hit over 150 posts and had under 50 pts.. tho im not here for the posts the points or the pressies lolz
    just to hav a fun time sharing info in the end.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    so i just read! You can only rack up a maximum of 49 points in the forums. that would explain a bit i guess lol

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    surely not?! ohh well hopefully it sorts itself out

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Yeah, article and forum points should come up straight away. However, is there some type of limit of points you can obtain from a certain activity (eg. forum posts, etc)?

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    yeh im the same with reviews but i thought normally forum and article comments come up straight away in the points?
    which in my case arent, i should almost be blue by now but there no tallying up from about the last week.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I’ve noticed that i did some reviews on friday, and they haven’t shown up yet… maybe because of the weekend i’m guessing.

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