agh im sick of blisters. i really want to get rid of them or provent from getting them. ive been dancing for about 11 yrs now and i have just had enough.
can anyone please help?
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
Thankyou Feathered Beauty, they opened while I was gardening so gave them a good wash (really stung!) tried some antisepttic (stung some more!) and have left them to air. Feel a little less tender today so hoping they will start to heal quick. They split so the outer skin is still there definitley not taking that off, lol. I like the pin and cotton ball idea, will definitely file that to memory 🙂
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
Thankyou Feathered Beauty, they opened while I was gardening so gave them a good wash (really stung!) tried some antisepttic (stung some more!) and have left them to air. Feel a little less tender today so hoping they will start to heal quick. They split so the outer skin is still there definitley not taking that off, lol. I like the pin and cotton ball idea, will definitely file that to memory 🙂
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
Thankyou Feathered Beauty, they opened while I was gardening so gave them a good wash (really stung!) tried some antisepttic (stung some more!) and have left them to air. Feel a little less tender today so hoping they will start to heal quick. They split so the outer skin is still there definitley not taking that off, lol. I like the pin and cotton ball idea, will definitely file that to memory 🙂
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
I would let the air get to them. I had a massive blister on my foot recently and I googled to see what to do to stop the pain. The site I found said to use a sterile pin/needle and prick the blister to let the fluid out and a cotton ball to absorb it. Don`t get rid of the loose skin though as the skin underneath is so tender and you don`t want bacteria getting to it. If you`ve already torn/cut the loose skin off, I would cover with a bandaid of some sort to protect it.
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
I would let the air get to them. I had a massive blister on my foot recently and I googled to see what to do to stop the pain. The site I found said to use a sterile pin/needle and prick the blister to let the fluid out and a cotton ball to absorb it. Don`t get rid of the loose skin though as the skin underneath is so tender and you don`t want bacteria getting to it. If you`ve already torn/cut the loose skin off, I would cover with a bandaid of some sort to protect it.
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
I would let the air get to them. I had a massive blister on my foot recently and I googled to see what to do to stop the pain. The site I found said to use a sterile pin/needle and prick the blister to let the fluid out and a cotton ball to absorb it. Don`t get rid of the loose skin though as the skin underneath is so tender and you don`t want bacteria getting to it. If you`ve already torn/cut the loose skin off, I would cover with a bandaid of some sort to protect it.
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
…bump! I stupidly managed to get two huge blisters on my hand today one has split and the other`s about too. they are at least 3cm long each and 1-2wide. Apart from the obvious sting and fact i can`t hold a pen, open a lid, etc i`m hoping someone might have tips to help them heal quicker. Not sure if its best to let them air or cover them in which case bandaids won`t fit i`ll need to get something else. Any tips?
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
…bump! I stupidly managed to get two huge blisters on my hand today one has split and the other`s about too. they are at least 3cm long each and 1-2wide. Apart from the obvious sting and fact i can`t hold a pen, open a lid, etc i`m hoping someone might have tips to help them heal quicker. Not sure if its best to let them air or cover them in which case bandaids won`t fit i`ll need to get something else. Any tips?
12 yrs, 8 mths ago
…bump! I stupidly managed to get two huge blisters on my hand today one has split and the other`s about too. they are at least 3cm long each and 1-2wide. Apart from the obvious sting and fact i can`t hold a pen, open a lid, etc i`m hoping someone might have tips to help them heal quicker. Not sure if its best to let them air or cover them in which case bandaids won`t fit i`ll need to get something else. Any tips?
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