15 yrs ago

1st Timer

So I’ve never been waxed but am considering getting my ‘bikini’ area waxed. I’m kinda scared and embaressed because I dont know what to expect. I have these visions of lying there completly starkers and having someone proding around down there. Any advice for a first timer?

6 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I have a had a full brazillian and trust me it tickles more than it hurts.

    You could also try some of those numbing pads u can buy from the chemist (you know that ones that you put over your belly button before getting a navel piercing) but Im not sure if waxing therapists advise against doing that or not…

  • 14 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Haha watch that episode of Sex and the City when Carrie gets her bikini area waxed. Don’t worry they make you wear a disposable g-string and no.. they don’t stare at your who-ha.

  • 15 yrs ago

    In their eyes when they have seen one punani they have seen them all !
    Thats what one beautician said to me !

    You’ll be fine, beauticians are very professional.

  • 15 yrs ago

    Don’t stress at all – you have to remember that they do this all the time! It’s natural to be nervous initially but you will get used to it!

  • 15 yrs ago

    Bella, don’t be scared! Just remember that for the person doing the waxing, you’re one of many, so they aren’t going to pay much attention to what you look like. I think it’s just an occasion where you have to hold your breath and pretend you’re somewhere else.

    I always find small talk really awkward in those situations… but it depends on how comfortable you are with the waxer.

  • 15 yrs ago

    i have never been waxed down there, sounds a biot scarey for me.

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