16 yrs, 2 mths ago

Hot Stone Massage

sooooo relaxing. It’s such a beautiful treatment… heaps better than your normal full body massage! BLISS!

100 comments 2 voices


  • 1 yr, 3 mths ago

    This massage is good for sensitive skin?

  • Bronze
    12 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

    Hot stone massages are not meant to hurt. They should be a relaxing experience. If it hurts then let the therapist know. You need the correct hot stone message training in order to do a hot stone massage correctly.

  • Bronze
    12 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

    Hot stone massages are not meant to hurt. They should be a relaxing experience. If it hurts then let the therapist know. You need the correct hot stone message training in order to do a hot stone massage correctly.

  • Bronze
    12 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

    Hot stone massages are not meant to hurt. They should be a relaxing experience. If it hurts then let the therapist know. You need the correct hot stone message training in order to do a hot stone massage correctly.

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I wan to try this sooo bad!!

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Ive had a hot stone foot massage and it was soo good! funny enough it was at one of those nutrimetics parties that I got forced into going to. The lady said she bought the stones just from bunnings and heated them in the oven. They were so good! even for a home job 🙂

    Really? So cool, I might try that.

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Ive had a hot stone foot massage and it was soo good! funny enough it was at one of those nutrimetics parties that I got forced into going to. The lady said she bought the stones just from bunnings and heated them in the oven. They were so good! even for a home job 🙂

    Really? So cool, I might try that.

  • 12 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Ive had a hot stone foot massage and it was soo good! funny enough it was at one of those nutrimetics parties that I got forced into going to. The lady said she bought the stones just from bunnings and heated them in the oven. They were so good! even for a home job 🙂

    Really? So cool, I might try that.

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