4 yrs, 11 mths ago

Eye drops for tired eyes?

Hi all!

I wasn’t sure whether to post this in Vision or Beauty Dilemmas… but since my vision is 100% fine and I don’t wear glasses or contacts, I figured it belonged here 🙂

I spend a LOT of my day in dry, airconditioned spaces – on top of that, we live in a very “dusty” area (lots of construction happening) and I’m a shift worker so I’m tired a little more frequently than possibly most.

My eyes tend to look bloodshot and exhausted really easily. I’ve started to think that may just be because they’re really dry.

I’m wanting to try some eyedrops to see if that can help my eyes feel and look less tired and worn. Does anyone have any reasonable-priced recommendations I can pick up at the local chemist?

I’ve never worn contacts, glasses or had any issues with my eyes so I have zero experience with eye related products!


16 comments 32 voices


  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Hi everyone – so I ended up having to get eyedrops in a rush and all the supermarket had for a reasonable price was the Optrex “Refreshing eye drops for tired eyes” drops and honestly it has already made such a difference.

    Initial application was actually really hard for me (how do you guys with contacts etc do it? I miss my eye 99 times before I hit it once, LOL) and it stung a little just because my eyes were so dry… but wow. It’s made a difference in my headaches and I actually started getting compliments about looking fresh and awake after a long night shift that same day… so clearly I needed this!

    I will switch to Systane soon to see how those work for me!

    • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

      I have a partially paralysed eye on my right side because of cerebral pslsy and I just end up squeezing out multiple drops hoping some will land in my eye!

      • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

        Things those of us don’t think of when we think it’s hit and miss Lucy16.

        I read a recent comment of yours wanting a face cleaning device as it’s tiring using one hand – now I get it.

        Good for you and I’m sure you’ve found your way around many everyday tasks we take for granted.

      • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

        Thanks Kassalee!

        Have a fab weekend…

      • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

        That must be difficult, Lucy. It`s quite wonderful the way beauties, like you, with definite health problems get on with everything and don`t moan or complain even though there must be many frustrating issues. Sending hugs/high fives or both to you and applauding your outlook!

      • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

        Thanks Trish!

        Hugs and high fives back to you too.

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Hi Nell, It’s really important to blink properly. Apparently we all tend to do half blinks while doing screen work etc. My ophthalmology pals – I have a lot of contacts (pun intended) in the field – suggest that every so often you do 20 full blinks where you squeeze your lids together and hold for a few seconds

    Your meibomian glands can also get blocked so when you are in the shower let the warm water run over your closed eyes then gently run your finger from the top down on the upper lid and vice versa on the bottom lid. This gently massages the oil in the glands so it can spread over your eyes.

    Tears are fascinating – there are several types and you want the basal tears not the emotional or reflex (eg from onion) tears as these are much more watery.

    • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago


      Thanks so much for this advice lindylou.

      I too get very tired eyes!

    • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

      This is Excellent advice and makes perfect sense lindylou and I hope all will take notice.

      You only have to see how many eye drops there are on the shelves now to see how common this is.

      I`m been seeing an ophthalmologist regularly for almost a year and this is the problem I now have – not sure if it`s since working in an airconditioned environment for up to 10 hrs a day/staring at a computer screen/recent diagnosis of an inflammatory condition/medication I`m now on OR a combination of all of these!

      The warming of the eyes and eye massage is very important (I use an warmed eye pillow twice a day) but I hadn`t been told of doing the 20 full blinks and I`m also incorporating this – when I remember!

      I`ve been on a succession of drops (not working) and now on drops from a compounding pharmacy (made in a sterile environment) that have to be delivered by courier (in an eski with cooling bricks!) at a cost of $70 for a months supply – I have a 10 month prescription and can`t expect results for 4 months.

      Can you ask your ophthalmology pals why medicare doesn`t seem to recognise them as specialists? You only receive a rebate similar to a GP visit, yet they charge as a specialist (and rightly so) but regular visits add up.

      I hope you all take the time to read lindylou`s post – you really need to look after your eyes!

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Systane or refresh I find great. I get the viles as they tend to last alot longer and you don’t need to throw away within 4 weeks.

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Thank you all so much for your responses! I was afraid there may not be others who can relate so I’m really glad to have gotten this much feedback 🙂

    So from what I’ve read here:
    Systane Drops
    Clear Eyes red eyes eye drops
    GenTeal Gel

    I’ll start with Systane drops just to see what difference it makes for me! As Peta said as well I think a large part for me is that I also stare at computer screens most of the day (at work I do so for 10-12 hours – at home I like playing video games so… I do it to myself too!).

    I’ll come back here when I’ve tried them for a little bit, and if anyone else has any other advice in the meantime I’d love to hear it! I’m so sick of having dry feeling, tired looking eyes. No matter how much I sleep or how great the skin around my eyes looks some days, I still always look exhausted because my eyes are just worn!

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I’ve also had laser eye surgery and dry eyes are an unfortunate side effect. When my eyes are feeling a little dry, I usually use Systane Ultra Lubricating eye drops which are reasonably priced at the chemist. These work pretty well, but I do find that I have to re-apply quite regularly.

    Before bed if they’re feeling super dry, I use GenTeal Gel which as implied by its name, is a thick gel rather than liquid drops. I believe these are also pretty reasonably priced. This also works well but because it’s a gel, it does leave your vision a little blurry for the first few minutes until it spreads itself around.

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I wear contacts, plus do a lot of work with computers etc so my eyes get blood shot every now and then. I use Clear Eyes red eyes eye drops, can grab from your chemist. Systane is also another brand that do good red eye drops too, usually kicks in after 5-10 minutes.

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    This is a good post and as some may be aware I have sensitive eyes. Perhaps the eye drops will help with my eyes too which always appear tired and red. I recently went to the doctor, again, as I am so tired of the red rims and he prescribed Chlorsig eye ointment which can be purchased over the counter and this has already provided some relief using at night, and no make up during the day until my eyes settle. I have also tossed old mascara, washed make up brushes and generally cleaned out items just in case.

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I have dry eyes as well – a result of laser eye surgery 5 years ago. My surgeon also reccomended Systane, which I’ve used since and they work well for me, so agree with onlyoni!

  • 4 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I suffer from dry eyes, Nell, or rather I did so for years and years. My ophthalmic surgeon suggested I use drops every day (forever more).

    Since February I’ve been using Systane Original drops during the day and Systane Gel Drops at night. The drops have made a huge improvement. I no longer get tired, irritated, red eyes with red rims, and I no longer feel as though I have something foreign in my eye.

    The Systane Original cost about $5.49 and the Gel Drops are about $12. Eye drops are not cheap and any unused drops should be discarded at the end of 28 days.

    There are heaps of brands and all sorts of drops on the market so it’s a case of finding drops that suit you. Years ago I tried a couple of other brands which stung my eyes but the Systane are very comfortable.

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