5 yrs, 2 mths ago

Melbourne Rhinoplasty

I have begun my research into Rhinoplastys (nose job’s) in Melbourne but am not finding as many reviews or recommendations as there seem to be in Sydney or the Gold Coast. I have been very impressed by Dr Shahram Shahidi’s work…the work he has featured on his Instagram is amazing! I guess I’m looking for the Victorian equivalent please girls. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated xx

2 comments 32 voices


  • 5 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Agree with Ray Jay, Dr’s always have people they recommend..

  • 5 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Perhaps you should go to your gp and ask him to recommend one. Or look up reviews on real self. I’d be doing a lot of investigation for a good one before I went to just anyone.

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