6 yrs, 9 mths ago

Hiatus Hernia

Has anyone here ever suffered with a Hiatus Hernia? anyone ever had corrective surgery??

Ive struggled for ages with bad heartburn and from time to time bad chest pain that to me felt like I was having a heart attack. I had all the heart checks and was told by an uppity Heart Specialist that i was obviously a very nervous and stressed type of person and I was reacting to every little twinge in my chest and thinking it was a heart attack. he suggested i needed to do relaxation exercises which is exactly what i needed to do to stop myself from shoving the idiot off his chair. Anyway…I ended up complaining again to my GP as the pain had become stronger over the past few months and now It has been discovered that I have a Haitus Hernia which explains the chest pain. No amount of relaxation exercises is going to solve that. Oddly since I was diagnosed a few weeks back the pressure and pain in my check is becoming worse and it looks like im going to have to have corrective surgery which scares the hell out of me. its a big surgery and from what i can find out requires a 10 day stay in hospital and having a feeder tube up your nose and down into the stomach…im really not keen on that 🙁

If there is anyone here who has been through this I would love to hear your story.

4 comments 32 voices


  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Oh meedee that sounds horrible. Please let us know how things go and if you need the surgery. Big hugs xx

    • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

      Thanks anne …I will be sure to update everyone. When i saw the Specialist a couple of months ago he asked me if I wanted the surgery and I said that s the medication i was on was keeping everything under control i would say no. But now thats no longer the case 🙁

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Oh I am so sorry Meedee that sounds really horrible! Atleast at the end of the 10 day stay you shouldn’t have to deal with the chest pain or heartburn anymore. It’s so bad how doctors treat people like idiots when they know something is wrong with their bodies instead of trying to actually help find the problem.

    • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

      Thats very true CaitMay … ive been living on anti acid tablets for the past few years and then my Doc put my on a drug that controls that so i was feeling very happy as far as that was concerned. Then the chest pain started happening every now and again and slowly got to the where I am now where its 24/7. But hey….at least i know im not having a heart attack which is seriously what it feels like….the pain is in the center of the chest and feels like someone is pushing forcefully on my chest….it then goes up into my shoulder and along my jawline. All classic heart attack symptoms. I so would love to find that Heart Specialist and tell him I was not making this pain up…..back when I saw him i was having this pain perhaps once every 4 weeks or so.

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