7 yrs, 1 mth ago

Shedding dilemmas for long, thick hair

This is how much hair I shed every night, collected from around the bed and put on my pillow.

Not to mention how much drops out at random around the apartment and either cuts the webbing between your toes when walking barefoot, or chokes the vacuum cleaner’s power head every time you use it (I’m an expert at pulling the power head apart, cutting it free and putting it all back together).

And then it drops out at work too, and the cleaners rarely vacuum so I occasionally have to cut the hair from around my chair wheels so the damn thing will roll again.

Am I the only one who has this problem? Is it just because it’s long and thick that it’s so noticeable and needs daily collection. Maybe everyone sheds this much?

I’ve always been like this, ever since I was a young girl, and my hair doesn’t seem to be getting any thinner (maybe marginally, but I still have a two-thick-hair-ties-wrapped-around-three-times kind of ponytail).

25 comments 32 voices


  • 2 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I’ve reported the above post by Moscin as spam!

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I have the same problem, I often wonder how I have hair left on my head!

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      Exactly my point! I still have too much hair to be tamed by any sort of clip or regular hair elastic—industrial strength all the way.

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    i was having issues because post natal hair loss is a pain… so i cut mine off to a bob… by the time it grows back should be fine

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      Contemplating cutting mine much shorter too, but it`s so much harder to manage once the weight is out of it (I end up looking like Darth Vader)

      • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

        Like Darth Vader? I really hope you don`t mean without his helmet – I thought he looked like Humpty Dumpty when he took it off!

      • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

        Haha! No, definitely the helmeted version.

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    My hubby calls me a gorilla as my hair is everywhere – after a shower when I wash my hair there’s always a nice little clump, on the brush I have to de-hair every week.

    I find that hair gets caught up in the vacuum cleaner too, so every few months I have to remove it.

    I had to unblock our bathroom sink pipes twice as my hair has caused it to block!

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    You are not alone!! I have incredibly long and thick hair and it sheds soooo much! I would suggest putting it in a bun most days as that seems to work for me! X

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      I`ve mastered a style which is a ponytail, only half pulled through the elastic on the final pass, then the ends wrapped around the elastic and tucked back through it. Sometimes it looks a bit like a bun, others a big bouffant kind of arrangement, and yet others a funky, chippy, style with loose ends poking out at random.

      I actually get a lot of comments on all my clever styles, and how long it must take to create them. In reality it`s 30 seconds, no mirror, generally while walking to the tram stop, and just whatever my hair feels like doing on the day! So I suppose that`s a plus of this crazy, long, thick mane.

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I’m usually barefoot, so I often get them stuck to my feet. In winter I wear socks & if I cross my legs, it looks like there’s a kitten hanging off my foot! Don’t gag anne! Ha ha!

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    No need to worry girl! Just enjoy your gorgeous hair =D

    I personally shed just a tiny tiny amount, couple of hairs here and there….as my hair is quite fine textured and medium thick, genetics. So when hair is light weight it sheds so little. Heavy one sheds more. So not having issues with shedding all over the place. But my friend has same situation as you. Just last time she visited me, she has left her hair all over the place in my room lol…so easy to spot as it is long , thick strands and black (Asian hair, like a wire! Loving it!), so I could easy pick them up without even vacuuming. Only hair that irritates me is from males….those curly short things from beards, legs etc….how do I know they are not pubes….gross . And when These get caught in between toes…..YUCK! LOL I told my house mate to shave all over hahahah…he said I am nuts (yup I was joking though)

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Once I clogged the shower drain & had to get a plumber out. He pulled out a massive hairball, made up of my long, brown hair! (Not a short-n-curly amongst them) The plumber & my blonde flat mate both looked at me, the only brunette. Since then, I buy kitchen sink strainers to put in the shower drain. It’s easy to pick up the hair that collects after each shower. They come in packs of two at the supermarket.

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      hahahah….woops. Since I do not live with my sis any more, I have no issues like this. And it was easy to spot who left the hair ball and hair all over the flat (her`s is red, mine light brown to bronde). My shower is always hair free, as my current house mate is male. Ok, I do have shower the shower (yup!) always after he has a shower, as I can not stand those tiny little curly hairs from beard/head/legs….pubes? They all look same, black and curly and tiny (gross)

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      My god those things make me vomit! I`m hopeless at the drains and my hair I make my husband (who`s bald by the way) clean them out or I`ll be sick god even thinking about it and I`m gagging

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Huh? That’s not a hairball! I’m not game to take a photo of mine, it’s pretty gross! I know the vacuum cleaner ordeal. They don’t last long on my waist length hair & I regularly cut the hair out too. I’ve got a carpet rake, which I use before vacuuming, which saves the vacuum cleaner a bit of work. The handle is the same length as a broom handle.

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      Oh, yeah, this is just the start of my day. When I brush I get even more out, when I wash it double again. I didn`t want to scare people or seem like too much of a grot by showing the combined ball 😉

      I like the idea of this carpet rake though. I have a rubber broom, but it really struggles on the carpet. This looks like it would do a better job. Will look into it, thanks.

  • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I’m the same too. I have thick, waist/butt-length hair and I’ve been shedding heaps for years yet some how I still have a lot of volume. Poor drains and vacuum cleaners lol. I found that once in a blue moon, when I have the courage to trim a bit of length off the ends, there’s noticeably less shedding. Don’t know why though.

    • 7 yrs, 1 mth ago

      Huh, interesting. It is always a long time between hair cuts/trims for me. Maybe I should test out if more regular trims have any effect on shedding. Thanks

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