13 yrs, 7 mths ago

Preserving your fragrances

I have a signature fragrance I wear everyday. It’s the original Tommy Hilfiger cologne for women. I have a bottle I am currently using (about 70%) full and I have another bottle not open in its box.
To keep the new bottle fresh how should I store it?
I have read a few different articles about this.
Some suggest storing it in a dark drawer and others suggest keeping it in the fridge.
Most recommend that you don’t store fragrances on top of your dresser.
How do you store fragrances that you don’t use on a daily basis?

6 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Wow great info. this probably explains why some of my perfumes have been changing colour, my poor storage of them :S

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Yes I leave all my perfumes in my drawers, its shame we can display in the spotlight lol
    I love perfume bottles!!

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Great tips. Thx for sharing with us.

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Jacq and DG have basically said exactly what i’d say lol, i ruined a perfume once leaving it out on my dresser because i loved the bottle but it was right next to my window with the sun hitting it half the day. So now everything is in the box it came in, in a draw in my wardrobe 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Hi Beautalicious,
    It is always recommended that you store it in its original box, in a cool, dark place.

    Never expose it to high temperature or keep it in the fridge as extremes of temperature can change the molecules and change the smell. But them again, some perfume are stored in special fridges, which are temperature controlled and humidity controlled like wine coolers that are specially made. (cool but not cold) But it is a no no to store in regular fridge for household use. I get scared for my perfumes when the temp is like 45 outside, but never put it in fridge.

    It may look pretty on the dresser but make sure it is away from sunlight or heat. Also there is risk of dropping it… believe me, especially with children around!

    Never in the bathroom or under the sink, as steam from hot water and humidity can damage too.

    I store my bottles in its original box and keep it in shelves of the wardrobe. All my decants, perfume oils are stored in tiny boxes and I keep them in there too. But I must confess I’m running out of space!

  • 13 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Hiya Beautalicious! You are best to store it in a dark cool (not cold) place – So if you keep it in the box in a drawer etc this is the perfect storage option.
    You can keep scents in the fridge HOWEVER you should not keep EDT’s or EDP’s in the fridge as the parfum can solidify, and ruin the fragrance. You also run the risk that if the seal isnt tight on the bottle the scent can be absorbed into other products in your fridge

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