10 yrs, 8 mths ago

Raspberry Leaf for Labour

I have been told by several people that taking Raspberry Leaf either in tea form or tablet form is great for labour and I am now 35 weeks and just started taking it. So I was Just wondering if any other Mummies did this or any soon to be Mummies are taking it and what you think? If you did take it do you think it had any effect at all?

I have read alot of forums about how it can help with labour pains or shortening labour. It’s all natural so I figure it can’t hurt and I did ask my midwife just curious on other beauties perspectives? 🙂

13 comments 11 voices


  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    what is the best brand to use?

  • 7 yrs ago

    I would also like to add that if you had an emergency c section after 10hrs of labour it sounds like the baby was a bit stuck and raspberry leaf tea isn’t going to stop that from happening.

  • 7 yrs ago

    It only speeds up active labour. I found it worked for me and the midwives couldn’t believe how fast my uterus contracted. I got my tea bags at chemist warehouse and drank it all day. It’s supposed to increase milk supply also.

  • 8 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Raspberry leaf tea does work but Raspberry leaf tincture is much better…….you can only buy it from a naturopath, yes it does decrease your chances of going overdue but the main act is it makes your contractions in labour more effective. Your labour is quicker, your uterus contracts more efficiently, your post birth blood loss is lessened because the uterus still contracts well. It certainly is worth using this natural product rather than having a medical induction of labour.

  • Bronze
    9 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Yes , I have also heard that Raspberry leaves are good for pregnant ladies ..I think every women must try this out ..

  • 9 yrs, 3 mths ago

    It doesn’t hurt to try, but you’ll never know if it helps or not. If you take it, you won’t know if it’s the reason why your labour was how it was or if it would have been that way anyway. Same if you don’t take it. My first three babies, I started drinking raspberry leaf tea in the last trimester. I hated the tea but drank it anyway. All drug free labour & delivery, #1 & #2 at 39w5d and #3 at 39w6d. #4, I just couldn’t bear the thought of drinking the tea so I didn’t. Drug free labour at 38w5d.

    Drink it if you want and if you THINK it’s done some good then it has! If you don’t… That baby is coming out one way or another so don’t sweat it! 🙂

  • 9 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I took it from 38 weeks and had to be induced at 41 weeks + 2 days. Even then, after 14 hours of labour, nada. Went on to epidural, then emergency c-section. Despite the “failure” to hasten labour for me, I love the taste of the tea!

  • 9 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Ive had girlfriends that used it and had really quick labours also. I took tablet form 2 a day and my labour was an excruciating 10 hours. But who knows? Maybe if I didnt take it couldve been longer

  • 10 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Epidural will work wonders why experiment on other suggestions?

    Whilst I have nothing against anything that anyone chooses to do I would much prefer a chemical free labour for myself and my bub so I’m looking into natural options 🙂 But thanks for the feedback.

    Good on you for wanting to opt for a drug free labour. My sis just had her bub on Saturday and it too was drug free.
    Good luck with everything.

  • 10 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Epidural will work wonders why experiment on other suggestions?

    Whilst I have nothing against anything that anyone chooses to do I would much prefer a chemical free labour for myself and my bub so I’m looking into natural options 🙂 But thanks for the feedback.

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