6 yrs ago

Suitcase rummage sales


Wondering if anyone has ever participated in a suitcase rummage sale before, selling pre loved clothes. Did you have much success? Was it worth your time?

5 comments 32 voices


  • I think it really depends on the brands and quality of your clothes.
    If you’ve got a lot of more known brands, and are happy to price under $20-ish you will do quite well.
    If you’ve got more unknown brands and are wanting a few dollars, keep in mind you can get women’s clothes for $5-$20 at Kmart/Target etc Most people would just purchase there.

  • 6 yrs ago

    I’ve never participated in a suitcase rummage sale, but I first heard of them while staying in Brisbane a few years back. It is a regular event in the Brisbane CBD, and elsewhere.

  • 6 yrs ago

    I’ve never heard of a suitcase rummage sale. I usually donate unwanted clothes to St Vinnies or the Salvos.

  • 6 yrs ago

    I’ve never participated in one but id love to! Following to see the responses 🙂

    • 6 yrs ago

      I have some many clothes I still love but just don`t fit anymore and I will never fit into again. Would love to give em a home and make a little $$ in the process.

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