Can walking banish cellulite?

Can walking banish cellulite?

I’ve happened upon a discovery in my fight for firmer thighs that’s probably been staring me in the face my whole life. It’s not an arduous gym regime, it’s not an expensive new wonder cream, and it’s not one of those suck-all-enjoyment-from-your-life detox diets. It is, in fact, walking.

Since I started putting one foot in front of the other to get myself to work each day (instead of hopping in the car or on the bus) I’m really noticing the difference in my legs, thighs and bum. But the answer to the problem so many women worry about can’t really be this simple, can it?

Well, if you ask any fitness expert they’ll probably tell you that yes, the best way to reduce the sight of orange-peel thighs is to spend less time sitting down and more time using your legs to get around. Walking, if you do it often enough and briskly enough, is thought to be one of the most effective exercises to reduce cellulite.

Even Rihanna’s personal trainer has revealed he encourages the star to take 10,000 steps every day to help maintain her enviable figure – a recommendation supported by health organisations across the globe, including the National Heart Foundation Australia. And if it’s good enough for Rihanna… well, I’m sold. (She does spend half her life in hotpants after all!)

Want to know how you can make the most of winter to get smoother, firmer thighs in time for summer? Here are our top cellulite-beating tips:

1) Walk regularly. Wendy Stehling, author of Thin Thighs in 30 Days, recommends taking a brisk walk of at least three kilometres a day, six days a week. If you think this is too far for you, aim for a shorter walk but try to keep the frequency to six times a week.

2) Watch what you drink. Cutting down on caffeine and alcohol and opting for plenty of water and decaffeinated green tea instead will help flush out toxins that can contribute to causing cellulite.

3) Eat the rainbow. Swapping out processed carbohydrates and saturated fats for brightly coloured fruit and veg such as tomatoes, strawberries and blueberries will also help increase your antioxidant intake and rid your system of the nasties that can lead to poor circulation and cellulite.

Do you worry about cellulite? What are your best remedies for reducing the orange-peel effect?

Related links on bh:

Video: how to get a toned butt and thighs in no time

Read reviews of anti-cellulite and skin-firming products

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