13 yrs, 6 mths ago

Moisturisers with SPF – how do you know how long the SPF lasts?

Hi BH ladies

This is probably a silly question but I’m wondering whether facial moisturisers with SPF such as 15 or 30+ are limited to say, 2hrs or 8hrs protection like the body creams available at the supermarket or do they actually protect facial skin all day? There is never anything about this on the bottle…very confusing!

18 comments 32 voices


  • Bronze
    11 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I know this topic is old but to add – has anyone seen Sisley’s All day all year? It’s supposed to protect you for 8 hours!!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Thanks Oceangirl! It was like a slap in the face reminding me that the sun does not discriminate, as you say, but also that we are not young and carefree for ever, even if we feel like it. I had the staples taken out of my skin graft last week so it is healing well but still under bandages. I will no be able to wear decolletage-baring tops or dresses for a long time alas. 🙁

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Beautyphilosopher you are such a talented writer and with Dutch/English pale skin like yours I completely relate to having a love/hate relationship with the sun. Thanks for sharing your experience and making me remember that skin cancer doesn’t discriminate – even young women like us are at risk (I’m 29). Best wishes for staying garden cancer free xxxx

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Ladies, it is so important to apply the right amount of spf product or you may as well not wear anything at all. The Cancer Council of Australia recommends:

    ‘apply the equivalent of at least a teaspoon of sunscreen for each limb, front and back of the body and half a teaspoon for the face, neck and ears.’

    I am passionate about this as I have recently had a skin cancer removed via surgery and a big skin graft. I wanted to share my thoughts about this with others so I wrote two articles about it on my blog if anyone is interested:

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Im glad you brought this issue up!
    I can be a little blazae at times when I have applied spf facial moisturiser and a foundation that has spf too, especialy after a few hours out side.
    In the past I have found my face to be protected even when my ears get a little pink

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I really like the sound of Sunsense’s Clear Mist Boosh, thanks for letting me know! I’m not sure if the SPF would last longer if powder was applied over it but I think Morrigan’s right, if you were to touch up your makeup during the day and layer products containing sunscreen at least this would extend how long your skin was protected. I use Olay Total Effects in the morning with Almay foundation and a Body Shop bronzer, I think the moisturiser and foundation are both SPF15+. I also wear a hat when outside and hide in the shade as much as possible or I burn like no tomorrow…ah the joys of very fair sensitive skin!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Hello! I think someone may have said this already but there is no standard length of time and SPF works; it depends on your skin’s natural resilience and how long it would normally take you to burn without sunscreen. For example and spf 30 offers around 30 times longer than your natural burn time. So it is is 10 minutes you can spend in sun before burning than it is 30 x 10. That said, nobody should be spending more than an hour or so in direct sunlight even with sunscreen as no sunscreen offers complete protection.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I was watching a dermatologist talk about it and he said yeah, your sunscreen needs to be reapplied every 2-4 hours so the best thing to do is use SPF moisturiser, SPF foundation and SPF powder so if you need to touch up your make up during the day you get that sunscreen protection. The problem with these products though is that they’re not cheap and sunscreen needs to be applied A LOT all over your face… and women don’t tend to do that because it’s expensive.. so if you combine all these products you should be ok! I never touch up my make up during the day so it’s pretty bad… need to invest in a good SPF powder!!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Yep this is a tricky one.I assume that it doesn’t last all day but by applying it in the morning at least I’m doing something about sun damage.I also avoid the sun as much as possible.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Hmmm….this is certainly an irritating dilemma. I wear powder over the top of my sunscreen too….I wonder if that helps?

    I suppose the best way to protect ourselves is to wear a wide-brimmed had…..then we have the ‘hat hair’ issue in the mix as well. Damn it’s hard being a girl!!

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