8 yrs, 8 mths ago

Moles and skin tags during pregnancy

I have developed moles and skin tags during my last pregnancy. My GP said that it is normal to have these kind of issues during pregnancy. Has any other BH beauty also face this issue? Can any one suggest what I should do with them, as I am more concerned about moles because they are on my face. Should I treat them now (my baby is 4 months old) or I have to wait?

4 comments 32 voices


  • 8 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I remember getting my first little tiny skin tags when pregnant and the dr. just burnt them off. After had my kids, I never got any more, then later on when in 40s they started coming up again (blame Menopause). Some do dissappeared on their own after a while and some I would get the dr to just burn off again.

    There is a product that you can buy at the chemist that you can use to burn off small ones yourself. I was going to have a talk with my chemist about it and if it was worth using.

    As to moles…..any new moles that appear on your face, that is important to just check with the Doctor.

  • 8 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Id go and chat to your gp and get a referral. I got 2 skin tags during pregnancy that really bothered me as they were quite large and right on my bikini line. I was a bit slack but ended up getting them removed just before my daughter was 1. As they were large and odd shaped the had to cut them out and they used dissovable stiches but i believe there are other methods if they are only small ones. Not sure about the moles tho. If they are small and regular looking I wouldnt worry about them too much unless they really bother you. I have quite a few moles including some on my face but they are small and have never changed so Im just leaving them at the moment.

  • 8 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Why not go back and check with your GP if they’re really bothering you? I’m sure he/she would be happy to advise if it’s safe to do something about them now or if it’s best to wait until later. That’s if you can even find time with a new bub around!

  • 8 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Congrats on the safe arrival of your bub. I have heard that developing skin tags during pregnancy is normal although I hadn’t heard the same about moles. I have had skin tags before and my doctor said they are pretty harmless to remove yourself simply by using thread to tie tightly around the area. This worked for me at the time and I went ahead because I wasn’t pregnant.

    I am now in my third trimester and I avoid doing anything without first consulting the doctor because it might be a case-by-case situation.

    I assume you can’t self treat moles like you can with skin tags so a doctors opinion might be the best way to go.

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