8 yrs, 6 mths ago

Kicking bad food habits

I’ve been trying to be healthier, but I often get cravings for sweets and chocolate — if anyone has any methods for kicking the bad habits and staying on track with healthy eating, I’d love to know!

2 comments 32 voices


  • 8 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Sorry for a novel. If you need ideas just ask, and tell me your favourite ingredients, I will give you ideas.

  • 8 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Do you eat enough whole food sources of carbohydrates? Our body functions on energy which we get from good carbs. I had the same 15 years ago. Now being vegan and last 7 years (almost) raw vegan, I eat so much fruit, that cravings for sweets and chocolate went away for good. Why? I eat good ratio of carbs to protein and fat. Carbs being at least 80% of daily intake. Why? Except they are super tasty, physiologically our body is designed to run on carbs (glucose) all the time (24/7). Protein we recycle (majority of it, need 35-45 g per day according to WHO), fats tiny amount for cell wall structure and hormones (in short).
    Sugar/carbs/glucose however we need in huge amounts. Just at rest (all the time, again 24/7), even when you sleep you waste ~370 cal of energy only on brain function (which eats only carbs), ~350 on liver, only ~360ish cal on skeletal muscles of glucose…red blood cells can only function on glucose (sugar!).
    So in conclusion…we need it a lot.
    Try to eat as much fruit as you can (mangoes, bananas, pineapples, pears….all as ripe as possible) as is , smoothies, make awesome refreshing summer salads with berries as a topping, sprinkled with coconut chips….
    Chocolate? basically body craves sugar and fat (energy)…so like above, and if you really need it sometimes get raw cacao and make something like warm chocolate drink (I put TBS of cacao, 10ish raw cashews, warm filtered water, 2 dates: blend in high speed blender till creamy…yummo!!!!!!!!)

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