9 yrs, 10 mths ago

Should I Still Be on Birth Control if I Don’t Need It Really?

I got an Implanon because I didn’t want to be worrying over the Pill when I’d only see my ex boyfriend twice a year.
Now that he’s my ex, I’m wondering if I should have it removed. Even though it’s been at least 8 months I still have irregular periods. I’ve currently been on my period for 11 days and the previous period happened only a little more than a week before the start of this one.
On the plus side, my boobs when from a B to a C and I feel they’re more proportioned to my body. I really wouldn’t want them to shrink if I went off birth control…
I’ve also gained about 15ish pounds since starting it, my doctor says it makes me eat more.
But I was just wondering, is it healthier to not be on birth control? Do you think it’s safer to be on it? I don’t plan on dating for at least another year and it’s pretty unlikely I’ll have any flings with anyone. Just wondering what you think… If I were to try an alternate birth control I’d probably use Nuva Ring

26 comments 32 voices


  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I got an Implanon because I didn’t want to be worrying over the Pill when I’d only see my ex boyfriend twice a year.
    Now that he’s my ex, I’m wondering if I should have it removed. Even though it’s been at least 8 months I still have irregular periods. I’ve currently been on my period for 11 days and the previous period happened only a little more than a week before the start of this one.
    On the plus side, my boobs when from a B to a C and I feel they’re more proportioned to my body. I really wouldn’t want them to shrink if I went off birth control…
    I’ve also gained about 15ish pounds since starting it, my doctor says it makes me eat more.
    But I was just wondering, is it healthier to not be on birth control? Do you think it’s safer to be on it? I don’t plan on dating for at least another year and it’s pretty unlikely I’ll have any flings with anyone. Just wondering what you think… If I were to try an alternate birth control I’d probably use Nuva Ring

    I do not think if any of the birth control pills or methods are required if you are not planing to go for a date(romantic). The nature has built a system and according to the system our body works, The periods, ovulation, and hormonal changes are a part of that. if one will disturber it, it will come to you in some or the other way.
    Weight gain is one of the problem with contraceptive methods, so you do not need to worry about that.
    If you wish you can switch your choose to other contraceptive methods, like overal G, NuvaRing, but they are not going to make any difference, as all have the same working mechanism for stopping the pregnancy.

    Just because you choose to go on the oral contraceptive pill, it doesn’t mean you have to use it to prevent pregnancy it can help with so many other things. For me it’s helped regulate and make my periods much less painful and heavy. It’s been so much more convenient and less stressful to know exactly when it’s going to come. Personally I didn’t gain any weight on the pill but my boobs did get bigger, which i also like.

    I don’t think being on or off the pill has anything to do with being healthy. It really has no impact unless you have clotting issues.

    It’s also good to keep in mind that pretty much all types contraceptions (except condoms) use hormones, including the Nuva ring. The choice is much more about which method is most convenient for your lifestyle.

  • Bronze
    9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I got an Implanon because I didn’t want to be worrying over the Pill when I’d only see my ex boyfriend twice a year.
    Now that he’s my ex, I’m wondering if I should have it removed. Even though it’s been at least 8 months I still have irregular periods. I’ve currently been on my period for 11 days and the previous period happened only a little more than a week before the start of this one.
    On the plus side, my boobs when from a B to a C and I feel they’re more proportioned to my body. I really wouldn’t want them to shrink if I went off birth control…
    I’ve also gained about 15ish pounds since starting it, my doctor says it makes me eat more.
    But I was just wondering, is it healthier to not be on birth control? Do you think it’s safer to be on it? I don’t plan on dating for at least another year and it’s pretty unlikely I’ll have any flings with anyone. Just wondering what you think… If I were to try an alternate birth control I’d probably use Nuva Ring

    I do not think if any of the birth control pills or methods are required if you are not planing to go for a date(romantic). The nature has built a system and according to the system our body works, The periods, ovulation, and hormonal changes are a part of that. if one will disturber it, it will come to you in some or the other way.
    Weight gain is one of the problem with contraceptive methods, so you do not need to worry about that.
    If you wish you can switch your choose to other contraceptive methods, like overal G, NuvaRing, but they are not going to make any difference, as all have the same working mechanism for stopping the pregnancy.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I’m gonna get my implanon removed 🙂
    Going to give Nuvaring a try, we’ll see how I feel on that.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    You might feel bad making them wear a condom – but if their choice is a) sex with a condom or b) no sex….they’re going to choose the condom. You need to put your own health and safety first until you are in a safe and committed relationship.

    (and definitely get that 11 day period checked out!)

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I suppose so but it would be nice to have that trust and commitment so you either are tested or just believe them that they have been safe. I think in the future I may have to make guys get tested but I would like to be able to trust a future partner.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    If you are having sex then using a condom is always more protection than not.
    Being ‘nice’ or ‘in love’ is no protection.
    Condom use, then after 6 months in a relationship have a joint test.
    Then you know you have found someone who truly cares about your long term well being rather than ‘in the moment’ pleasure.
    Plus be on contraception for your own peace of mind and choose if and when you share that information.
    Seek reputable advice from a GP or family planning clinic.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Oh man now I can’t decide what to do. I’ll have to do a little bit of research.
    I already use a menstrual cup though, I was worried that menstrual cup+nuvaring wouldn’t go well together.
    But can’t HIV crawl though condoms? Condoms don’t really protect from STIs… I think I might just have a serious conversation with the guy, maybe we could get tested together. It would be a bonding experience XD

    There’s a lot of hate for condoms around like “they aren’t effective” or “they break too often” but they are effective if they fit right and go on before any contact goes on downstairs. As for breakage, I’ve only ever had 2 break out of hundreds and they were our fault. If in doubt, use lube and don’t poke them with long, sharp fingernails.

    Seriously, I’ve been sexually active for 6 years and never once had a pregnancy scare.

    Hmmmm ok.
    I guess I just have this thing, I would feel bad making a guy always use a condom because I know it doesn’t feel as good for them.
    Is that bad?

    As for your comment: ” But can’t HIV crawl though condoms? Condoms don’t really protect from STIs… ” – Maybe you are as paranoid as me. A correctly worn condom is virtually 100% effective. Maybe it’s only 99.9%, check with Miss Danger on her SEX thread (I know you can’t get her sexandcandy blog). Is everyone aware she’s studying for her doctorate in sexology? Legit!
    As for getting tested together when you get a new guy, it takes 6 months for the results.

    You later said: “I would feel bad making a guy always use a condom because I know it doesn’t feel as good for them. Is that bad?” – YES! I’m so glad I’m not the only one here cracking the whip about condom use. Unfortunately imalittleteapot‘s comment about men’s honesty is only too valid, & cat lover‘s point about pregnancy as a selling point is true.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    There is only one 100% guaranteed way to avoid pregnancy and STI’s and that is abstinence. The Pill is not ‘safer’ than condoms. Neither The Pill nor condoms are 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, but at least condoms protect you from STI’s as well, in fact they are the only kind of contraceptive that can protect you from STI’s so perhaps you should re-evaluate your priorities and concerns about asking a guy to wear one. People can be prescribed the pill for reasons other than contraception. If you are only on the pill for contraceptive reasons and are not sexually active, then there is no reason for you to remain on it. If you decide to be sexually active in the future you can go on it again, should you decide not to use other forms of protection. I would suggest you visit a family planning clinic in your area for more comprehensive information about contraception and STI’s.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Oh man now I can’t decide what to do. I’ll have to do a little bit of research.
    I already use a menstrual cup though, I was worried that menstrual cup+nuvaring wouldn’t go well together.
    But can’t HIV crawl though condoms? Condoms don’t really protect from STIs… I think I might just have a serious conversation with the guy, maybe we could get tested together. It would be a bonding experience XD

    There’s a lot of hate for condoms around like “they aren’t effective” or “they break too often” but they are effective if they fit right and go on before any contact goes on downstairs. As for breakage, I’ve only ever had 2 break out of hundreds and they were our fault. If in doubt, use lube and don’t poke them with long, sharp fingernails.

    Seriously, I’ve been sexually active for 6 years and never once had a pregnancy scare.

    Hmmmm ok.
    I guess I just have this thing, I would feel bad making a guy always use a condom because I know it doesn’t feel as good for them.
    Is that bad?

    I’d rather insist on a guy wearing a condom then the alternative of possibly contracting an STI or HIV. Just because you are in a serious relationship with someone doesn’t mean they are always going to be honest with you. Don’t take chances with your own well being.

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Danniro, I think you’ll find that telling a guy you’re not on the pill is a really good way to get him to use a condom! Not many young guys want to be dealing with pregnancy scares etc. When I was your age (and not yet on the pill) I never had any problems getting a bloke to use one. If I was in your position and I didn’t need to use hormones for any other reason (period pain etc) I’d go off it and then go back on once you’re in a relationship with someone you trust or has been STI tested.

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