9 yrs, 8 mths ago

Your hairy questions

Hey guys,

As the glorified Hair Editor of this ‘ere site, I wanted to make sure I was covering the kind of content you wanted to read about.

So I thought I’d put it out to you! What kind of hair-related things do you want to read about? Are there particular hair styles you want to know how to recreate? Is there something you just can’t quite master? Are you looking for products that will provide a certain result or effect?

Whatever you’ve got, hit me with it! I want to be writing the right content for you!

Olivia x

37 comments 32 voices


  • 9 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I’d like some suggestions to get hair healthy again. My hair is getting thin and scanty and I don’t know what caused it. Stress? Heridity? I’m not sure if anything can be done but maybe suggestions of good oils and treatments would be nice.

    Can’t tell you the cause but can suggest something. My hair is white, grey with a little black and I am over 60. If you lift my hair off the crown it is very much like cottonwool. I wear my hair short. I was searching the web and found the website for Pro-Naturals.com/worldwide. I discussed it with my hairdresser (who comes to my home) and we decided I should try this product. I am so glad I did. If you follow their recommended 4-step system I am sure you will have much healthier hair.

  • 9 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I’d love a video on how to do messy, tousled, “bed head” waves. 🙂

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Hey guys,

    As the glorified Hair Editor of this ‘ere site, I wanted to make sure I was covering the kind of content you wanted to read about.

    So I thought I’d put it out to you! What kind of hair-related things do you want to read about? Are there particular hair styles you want to know how to recreate? Is there something you just can’t quite master? Are you looking for products that will provide a certain result or effect?

    Whatever you’ve got, hit me with it! I want to be writing the right content for you!

    Olivia x

    I would like some guidance for the over 50’s please. Is there any color that needs only to be combed in, i.e. not whole head one color. I have predominantly grey hair with some black and a lot of white and it is boring! I would like to be able to change my hair color when the mood takes me without having to bleach it first. Finally, I use Karmin’s G3 curling iron every morning – so the coloring used needs to take this into account. Any suggestions gratefully received.

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I thought this topic was about unwanted hair after reading the subject line.

    I would like to know what products or remedies is good for oily roots with some dandruff. Also what hair dye covers grey hair best.

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I would like to see an article about how to get damaged hair healthy again and what products work the best for damaged hair. Also what hair styles suits difference face types and quick easy hairstyles when you want to look like you have spent a lot of time on your hair but actually haven’t/

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    My 5 strand plait:
    – Divide hair into 5 sections – d’oh (I refer to them from left to right as 1,2,3,4 & 5)
    – Move 3 over & under. (Strand 3 is now strand 5)
    – Move 1 over, under, over, under. (Strand 1 is now strand 5)
    – Move 1 over, under, over, under.
    – … easy enough.

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I love that 5 strand plait but I don’t think I have enough hair. It is long enough but too fine.
    Great look!

    Unlike a regular plait, the 4 or 5+ strand plaits sit wide & flat, making it _look_ thicker than it is.

    Interesting. I love optical illusions. Happy to play with my hair. I assume looking for a ‘how to’ you tube video is the go?

    YouTube’s got a plethora, but some are difficult to see. I mentioned cutegirlshairstyles.com in a previous post. This is the method I worked out from looking at a picture or a 4 strand plait:
    – Divide hair into 4 sections – d’oh I refer to them from left to right as 1,2,3 & 4.
    – Move 3 over 4.
    – Take 1 over, under, over. (The strand that was 1 is now 4!)
    – Take 1 over, under, over.
    – Take 1 over, under, over.
    – Stop to neaten & straighten if necessary.
    It’s so simple, but I don’t know if I’m conveying it well. A BH tutorial would be good. Liv did a tutorial on fishtails, but her hair is so dark it was hard to see the actions to do. If Liv/someone used a blonde model it would be easier to follow.

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I love that 5 strand plait but I don’t think I have enough hair. It is long enough but too fine.
    Great look!

    Unlike a regular plait, the 4 or 5+ strand plaits sit wide & flat, making it _look_ thicker than it is.

    Interesting. I love optical illusions. Happy to play with my hair. I assume looking for a ‘how to’ you tube video is the go?

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I love that 5 strand plait but I don’t think I have enough hair. It is long enough but too fine.
    Great look!

    Unlike a regular plait, the 4 or 5+ strand plaits sit wide & flat, making it look thicker than it is.

  • 9 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I love that 5 strand plait but I don’t think I have enough hair. It is long enough but too fine.
    Great look!

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